Friday Night Smackdown

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*Friday morning. 6am*

Blake's alarm starts going on as he is a little groggy because this is super early for him but knowing California traffic on a Friday he would need to leave now to make 100% sure he wasn't late. After a few minutes he rolls out of bed and goes to the bathroom to splash some water on his face and get ready for the day. He had already packed an overnight bag knowing he was going to stay for the night and be back tomorrow. He threw the bag in the truck and got Tank in the front seat as he drove to his dads and dropped him off. Kurt wishes him a safe trip and goes inside as he makes his way to Bay Area

About an hour into the drive and traffic is at a stand still because of course it is. He decided to pull his phone out and start doing an IG live to pass the time and speak to the fans while traffic isn't moving. After about 10 mins he sees a notification that Bayley has joined the chat and sent a question

@itsmebayley: so what do you have going on in San Francisco that's so important?"

Blake laughs and decides to answer that. He had to be careful what he says because Triple H mentioned in his email to him with the ticket inside that he wanted it to be a surprise so he thought for a second before responding

Blake: "So itsmebayley wants to know what i have going on in San Francisco tonight. Well, that's a very good question, but sadly I'm gonna have to keep it a surprise for now but let's just say I'm going to be seeing someone again and i am looking forward to it" as he winks into the camera.

Meanwhile Bayley is getting a morning workout in when she gets the notification that Blake has gone live and decides to pop in and have a little fun asking the question. She wasn't expecting the wink at the end and it made her heart and her stomach do cartwheels and got her even more excited for tonight. Her friends Charlotte and Sasha banks, who were working out with her, noticed this and decided to figure out what was going on

Sasha: "And why are you grinning like you just saw the love of your life?"

Charlotte: *looks down at her phone and sees Blake talking to his fans on IG live* "That's why" she says with a smirk "You are head over heels for him aren't you?"

Bayley: "I actually think i might be, i haven't been able to stop thinking about him since the concert and this segment tonight is just going to make it worse i know it"

Sasha: "Hey who says that's a bad thing? I mean your both single, he is a hunk and you are a knockout, i say go for it and let the chips fall where they will". Charlotte nods in agreement

Bayley: "Your right, I'm going to slip him my number during the segment and see where it takes me"

Both girls smile as they see that traffic is now starting to move on Blake's end so he ends the IG live and the girls go back to their workout

*Time skip. Arena. 1 hour before showtime*

Blake arrives at the arena and goes to the entrance that Hunter mentioned in his email as he tells the security team who he is and the escort him in the back to Hunters office and they knock on the door and he tells them to enter. Blake walks in and closes the door behind him as he stands up

Hunter: "Nice to see you Blake, glad you made it in alright"

Blake: "I got to say it's incredible to meet you sir. DX was always my favorite growing up, you have no idea how much trouble i used to get in for doing the crotch chop"

Hunter: *laughing a little as he sits back down* "Well the pleasure is mine, i really enjoy your music you have a way around a guitar. Maybe later down the line we can discuss possibly preforming at Wrestlemania"

The Rockstar and The Role Model (Bayley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now