After The Bell

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We are about a month out from Wrestlemania and Blake has been traveling with Bayley ever since she had returned from her "suspension" and they have been inseparable. From travel, to hotel room, to makeup area, to locker room, to gorilla and back again and Bayley couldn't have been happier with this situation. Blake was happy too because he was with the woman he loves and he gets to discuss his Wrestlemania secret with Hunter while she is in the ring.

Today is the day where she has an interview with Corey Graves for the podcast "After the Bell" so she doesn't have to go anywhere, but she still has to be up early since the interview is early. He agreed to be in the room with her on the show but he wouldn't be interviewed or anything

The alarm goes off and Blake reaches over Bayley and turns it off as he stretches and cuddles up closer to her. Bayley grunts knowing that she needs to get up and at least look presentable for this so she roles over and looks at Blake

Bayley: "Are you going to let me get dressed or are we going to lay in bed all day?" She says messing with him

Blake: "I was thinking we lay in bed all day" he says back as they gently kiss.

They both get up and get ready quickly, Blake putting on an oversized cutoff shirt and a pair of sweats and Bayley puts on one of Blake's hoodies and a pair of short shorts and does some light makeup as they go into the office and she sits down in front of the computer and starts the Skype call with Corey Graves

Corey Graves: "Hey guys, always good to see you again"

Bayley and Blake: "Hey Corey"

Corey gives a couple of quick things about the show and he finally says

Corey Graves: "Now before we get started, i know you aren't on the show this time Blake, but is there anything with you guys that is off limits that you don't want brought up?"

They both look at each other then back at him

Blake: "Nope, fire away whatever you want" they both smile as he counts down and starts where he wants the show to start

Corey Graves: "Bayley, welcome back to After the Bell,  i know it is super early on the west coast so thank you so much for joining me

Bayley: "Yeah i got my coffee so i am good to go so thanks for having me" she says toasting him with her coffee cup

Corey Graves: "So as you know we are on the road to Wrestlemania, you have a very highly anticipated matchup against your former tag team partner Sasha Banks and it spawned basically over your boyfriend Blake Duncan of the Black Knights. Why do you think that is?"

Bayley: "Im not 100% sure actually, i mean is it jealousy because I'm actually happy for a change? Is it because she is mad that i now have the spotlight with the championship and she doesn't? Does she maybe want to take Blake away from me? I'm not going to pretend i know what Sasha thinks but whatever it is, no one puts their hands on my man. Whether I'm the hugger or the role model i live by that."

Corey Graves: "Speaking of Blake did he really get a tattoo of your little cartoon character on his hand? Because i gotta see that"

Bayley: "Oh yeah he did. Hang on" she says as Blake moves his hand in front of the camera so he can see the now healed tattoo on his hand "isn't it so cool? I absolutely love it"

Corey Graves: "That might be the greatest thing I've ever seen" they share a quick laugh "We will come back to Blake in a minute but i want to talk about you. Talk about the transition it has been between the happy go lucky hugger Bayley to this haircut, badass, role model Bayley that you are now"

The Rockstar and The Role Model (Bayley x OC)Where stories live. Discover now