3 Year Anniversary

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Before the chapter starts, just wanted to wish the main character of this story, Bayley, a happy birthday! Now back to your regularly scheduled programming

*1 Month Later*

Today marks the 3 year anniversary of when Blake took Bayley to that sushi restaurant in San Francisco and asked her to be his girlfriend. Sadly though to start the day, Blake has to go do an interview in LA for the new single that is dropping today. Of course they are going to ask about the Black Knights and he is going to have to be civil about it as much as he doesn't want to but it's for promotion of the record and it'll be good for him to move past it. Luckily for him Bayley had her follow up doctors appointment today so he didn't feel as bad he had to go for the interview, he wished he could have gone with her to the doctor but she insisted he do the interview and she would be watching from her phone, and she had Sasha coming with her again so that put him at ease as well

Blake gets all dressed up for the interview and pulls his hair back in a ponytail and Bayley takes a picture of him before he leaves and he gives her a big anniversary kiss as he walks out the door

Blake gets all dressed up for the interview and pulls his hair back in a ponytail and Bayley takes a picture of him before he leaves and he gives her a big anniversary kiss as he walks out the door

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@itsmebayley: Back off ladies, he's mine. #3years

About an hour later he makes it to the TV studio where the interview is taking place and Bayley has it pulled up on her phone in the doctors office as she waits. Sasha has one of the headphones in so she can hear it too as they come back from commercial break

(A.N. Don't really feel like giving the TV anchors names so they will be 1 and 2 😂 don't judge me lol)

TV personality 1: Welcome back everyone, we are joined today by former front man for the Black Knights, now he is on his own working on a solo career, Blake Duncan. Blake thank you for joining us today

Blake: "Thank you for having me and before i say anything else i will get killed if i don't say happy 3 year anniversary to my wife, 3 years ago today we went on our first date and i asked her to be my girlfriend i love you babe"

TV personality 2: "Oh we didn't realize it was your anniversary today. Happy anniversary to the 2 of you and Bayley, please don't hurt us for taking him away from you on your anniversary"

Bayley and Sasha laugh on their end and they show a picture of Blake and Bayley at their wedding behind them and they aww at it for a moment before they continue the interview

TV Personality 2: "So let's just rip the bandage off right away. The Black Knights. What went sour in that relationship?"

Blake: "Well to be honest i have no idea. I mean we started the band a year after we graduated high school, almost 12 years ago. We were never in it for the fame or money or anything like that, we started the band so us 4 friends, no 4 brothers, could stay close together. I come home from getting my new car after my last one got totaled in that accident and i see they are in the recording studio so i figured i missed the text or something that they were there so i immediately went over there and when i got there i was basically told i was out of the band. So i went back home and i started writing songs again and i sold Maroon 5 their song "Beautiful Mistakes" so i wish them nothing but success but I'm doing my own thing now"

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