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I was sitting in a seat, on the bus. I had my headphones in my ear. Listening to One Direction. The bus came to a stop. I got up from the seat, walking to the front of the bus. I walked down my street. My house was at the end of the street. I looked at the trees, lining the driveway. I Saw my mother's car in front of the house. Opening the door to the house.

"Hey, Katy can you Come here." My mother called from kitchen. I walked through the living room. My mother was sitting at the table.

"What is it?" I asked, leaning up against the wall, with my arms crossed.

"I had to tell you, that Jake is coming home for a month." She said, looking at the newspaper.

"Why would i care about my stupid brother coming home." I said, almost walking out of the room.

"He really misses you." She said.

"Tell him that i didn't really care." I said, really walking out of the room. I went uo the stairs to my room. My room was at the end of the hall. Opening up my laptop. Logining onto my Skype. My friend Liz was online. Clicking her name. Her face poped up on the screen.

"How are you doing?" She asked.

"Well, my mum just told me that my brother is coming home." I said, with my hand on ym forehead.

"Is that a bad thing." She said, looking into the camera.

"He has been gone for three years." I said, "and he is finally coming."

"I don't how that is a bad thing." She said.

"I really don't give a sh*t about him." I said, "None like him, i have had to work my butt off to get the things i need."

"I get your point." She said. I grabbed my phone, from next to my laptop. Logining onto twitter.

@JakeSims - Excited to see my little sister.

"I hate him so much." I said.

"Why?" Liz asked. I showed her the tweet.

"He is happy to see you." She said, "why can't you see that."

"I just went through the hardest time of my life. And he wasn't even there for me." I said, getring up from the chair. Taking my laptop, from the desk. Sitting down on my bed.

"What are you doing later?" Liz asked.

"I was just going to stay in and watch movies." I said. A message poped up on my screen. I rolled my eyes.

"What?" Liz said.

"My brother wants to Skype with me." I said.

"Katy, i have to go. I will talk to you later." Liz said, before ending the Skype call.

Jake POV

I saw that my sister, was on Skype. Waiting for her to answer. She don't agree to the call.

"Jake, get off your laptop." Casey said, from the bed. We were in the hotel room. I was happy about going home. To see my little sister. Closing the top of my laptop. Placing it on the desk, in the room.

"Jake, you have been on your laptop for a while." Casey said.

"I'm going back home for a month." I said, "i have been trying to call my sister. But she never answers."

"Maybe that you have been gone for three years." He said.

"She is my little sister." I said, "i just really want to talk to her."

"You are going to see her tomorrow." He said.

"What are you guys talking about." James said, walking into the room.

"We were talking about me going home tomorrow." I said.

"Are you happy about that?" He asked.

"Yes, but i just tried to Skype call my little sister." I said, "and she didn't answer."

Katy POV

I was sitting in the small café. Taking a sip of my green tea. I walked out of the cafe. I has a long way until i got back to my house.


As i was opening the door to the house. A car started to pull into the driveway. I ran up to my room. Running over to the window. Looking out to see my brother standing beside the car. Seven more guys stepped out of the car.

"Why did he bring his band mates." I said. One of his band mates looked up at the window. He had a blond strip in his hair. He got Jake to look up at the window. I closed the blinds to the window. Still watching them. They walked into the house.

"Katy, Jake is here." My mum said. I heard foot steps walking towards my room.

"Katy, it's Jake." Oh sh*t. I quickly grabbed my phone and bag. Openjng the window. Climbing into the tree, next to my window. Climbing down the tree. Running down the driveway. Standing after the end of the driveway.

"She ran away from me." i heard, from the house.

"Jake, come back." I hears someone shout. I ran onto against street. Hiding behind a think tree. I watched Jake looked for me. I toom out my phone. I called Liz.

"Katy, what do you want." She said.

"Can you meet me at the park." I said.

"Wh-" i ended the call before she could answer.

Never Really There //Stereo Kicks//Where stories live. Discover now