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"Casey." I said, looking at him.

"Katy, i like you." He said. What the hell is happening?

"Yo-- you kissed me." I said. "that was my first kiss."

"Really?" He saidn looking back up from the floor.

"Yes." I said.

"Here is another one." He saidn pressing his lips against mine again.

"What the f*ck is going on?" Someone shouted. We both pulled away. Jake was standing in the door way. His face was red.

"Jake. Casey kissed me. I didn't kiss him." I said.

"I'm right here." Casey said.

"I know." I saidn looking back at him. Jake walked over to Casey.

"Just don't break her heart." He said, before walking out of the room. Casey stood up from the bed. Wrapping his fingers with mine. I looked down at our hands. We walked out of the room. Going down the stairs. All the boys were looking at us.


"What the f*ck is going on?" The boys and i heard someone shout from up stairs.

"What do you think that was about?" Chris asked, looking over at me.

"I don't really know." I said, looking back at the television. We heard foot steps coming down the stairs. We all looked at Jake.

"I don't want to talk." He said, back walking outside. Two other pairs of feet came down the stairs. Katy and Casey. They were holding hands. 

"So." Braclay said, pointing at their hands.

"He kissed me." Katy said.

"I knew that was going to happen." I said, as i looked up at the ceiling. 

"What did you say?" Casey asked.

"After Katy hit the tree. You wouldn't talk to anyone. You were always by Katy's side. You and Jake were the only one that almost never left her side." I said.

"Is that true?" Katy saidn looking up at Casey.

"Yes. That's true." He said.

"Awww." The rest of the boys said.

"Shut up." Casey said, before the two of them walked into the kitchen.

"He really likes her." Charlie said.

"Yes." I said.

Katy POV

Casey and I sat down at the kitchen table. We just sat there.

"Casey." I said.

"Yeah?" He said, looking up from his phone.

"Do you really like me?" I asked. Why did i ask that?

"Yes." He said, looking at me. I looked out the window. I saw Jake standing there. He was looking into the woods.

"Hold on." I said, getting up from the table. I walked outside, to my brother.

"Jake is everything okay?" I asked, walking up nect to him. He looked at me.

"I'm fine Katy." He said, walking into the woods. I followed behind him. Knowing that Casey still in the kitchen. Jake stopped when he got to the bridge.

"Is this the bridge we would always go to?" He asked, looking at me.

"Yes. I would always go here when you were on x factor." I said, "and when i ran from you. I went here."

Never Really There //Stereo Kicks//Where stories live. Discover now