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I was sitting in a desk at my school. Waiting for the school day to be over. Liz was sitting next to me. The bell finally rang. I walked out of the room.

"So, how has it been with stereo kicks living in your house?" Liz asked.

"I really haven't talk to them. I only seen them when i went down to the kitchen." I said, "but them didn't look at me. They were playing fifa." I grabbed my bag. As we got to the front of the school.

"You may want to go another way." Liz said.

"Why?" I said, turning around. I saw the boys standing at the door.

"Why do they have to do this to me." I said. Girls started to scream, "anything why i hate my brother. If i go anywhere with him. Girls run over to him." I walked out another door. I turned to corner watching the girls around my brother and his bandmates.

"I will see you later Liz." I said. I saw that boy who looked at me last week was walking out of the school. I walked down the street. I went into the small book store that i work at.

"Did you hear that Stereo Kicks are in town." One of the girls said in the store. I went into the back room. Dropping my bag on the table.

"Oh my gosh, it's Casey." I heard someone scream. I walked out of the back room. I saw my brother's bandmate in the front of the store. Grabbing a box from under the counter. When i looked up Caeey was standing there.

"I'm looking for a book." He said.

"What book are you looking for?" I asked. He told me the book.

"Here you go." I said, handing him the book. He payed for the book. I sat back behind the counter. Pulled books out of the box.

"Katy, you can leave." My boss said.

"Thanks." I said, walking back into the back room. I grabbed my bag. My phone went off. Jake had sent a text to me. Placing my phone back in my bag.

I went to a café. Getting a iced tea. As i walked out of the cafe. I saw my brother's band mate. I walked up the hill, to get to the street my house is on. As i get to the driveway. I saw Jake sitting on the benech in front of the house.

I went into the woods. Finding the path, that leads to my house. Reaching my house. I climbing up the tree, going into my room. Locking my door. I logined onto my Skype. Liz was online. Her face poped up.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Well, i met on of my brother's bandmates." I said.

"What one?"

"His name is Casey." I said.

"So, flirty kick." She said. The was a knock on my door.

"Hold on." I said, walking over to my door. Opening the door a little bit. I saw my brother standing there. Closing the door.

"Who is it?" Liz asked.

"My brother." I said. I walked over to the desk.

"I will call you later." I said, ending the call. I opened the door. My brother's was still stnading there.

"You can come in." I said.

"Katy, how are you?" He asked, sitting down on my bed.

"Well, you have been gone for three years." I said.

"I'm sorry at that." He said.

"Are you really sorry? Our mum broke her arm three months ago. And a month later she broke her feet." I said.

"I didn't know that." He said.

"Probably because you were in america with your band mates." I said.

"We had no choice." He said.

"I have to do every thing around the house. I had to get another job. Jake. I just went through the hardest time of my life, and you weren't even there for me." I shouted.

"Katy, don't shout." My brother said, trying to hug me. I pulled away.

"None like you. I ave had to work my butt to get the things i need. When you get everything handed to you." I shouted. I grabbed my bag. I started to walk out of the room.

"Katy." My brother said.

"When you see how hard it has been for me. Than you can talk to me." I said, this time not shouting. I walked down the stairs. My brother's bandmates were in the living room.

"Katy, wait." I heard Jake shouted. His bandmates turned around, to look at me. I saw Casey out of the corner of my eye. I ran outside. And into the woods. I went to the bridge Jake and I would go to when we were little. Walking along the over to find a good spot. I looked through my phone. Seeing all the pictures of Jake and I. I wanted to delete them last year.

The bridge was not far from my house. So, i could still hear people talk.

"She ran away from me again." I heard, knowing that my brother was talking.

"Jake, it's okay." Some one else said.

"Casey, how is it okay?." Jake said. I got up from where i was sitting. Walking closer to the house. I saw my brother and his bandmate.

"Does your sister work at a book store?" Casey asked.

"Yes." Jake said.

"I may have been to the store today." He said.

"So, you met my sister." Jake said.

"Yes. And when we were at the school. I may have seen her in the school talking to someone." He said.

"That was her friend Liz." Jake said, "We better go inside."

"Good idea." Casey said. I moved up to the front line of trees. I stepped on a few branches. Casey must have heard, me stepping on them. He turned around, looking at me.

"Casey, are you coming." Jake said.

"Yes." Casey said. He walked into the house. Casey is the only one of my brother's bandmates that i have seen. I climbed up the tree. Sitting in the tree for a few minutes before stepping into my room. I heard chatting coming from the hallway.

"Do you know where the toilet is?" I heard someone asked.

"I think it's door." Some else said. My door opened to see a boy with blond hair.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Tom." He said. "Are you Jake's sister?"

"Yes. My name is Katy." I said. I closed my door.

"You know that, he has been talking about you."

"I know." I said, sitting down on my bed. Tom sat next to me.

"Jake has been trying to talk to you ever since we got here." Tom said.

"I don't really want to talk to him." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

" I has been three years since you guys were formed. And three months ago my mum broke her arm, than a month after that she broke her feet walking down the stairs." I said.

"Was Jake there for you?" He asked.

"You guys were in America." I said.

"I think that the boys are wondering where I'm." He said, "can I have your number."

"Sure." I said, handing my phone. He handed me it back after a minute.

"Thanks." He said, before walking out of the room.

Never Really There //Stereo Kicks//Where stories live. Discover now