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There was a knock on the front door. I got up from the couch. Slowly walking over to the door. Opening it. Liz and Barclay were standing there with bags in thier hands.

"Are you ready?" Liz asked me.

"Yes." I said. The rest of the boys were out at the movies. I grabbed some balloons out of a bag. Ripping the bag open. They had brought neon balloons. Liz and i were blowing them up. Barclay was setting up the food.

"Katy, what did you get Casey?" Barclay asked.

"I haven't him something. I don't really have money." I said.

"I can give you money for a gift." He said.

"You don't have to."

"Here is some money, go get him something." Barclay handed me some money.

"Are you sure?" I asked him.

"It's fine. Now go get something nice for him." He said. I grabbed my bag off the counter. Walking out of the flat. Going down the street. Finding a jewelry store. Walking in.

"What may I help you with?" The man asked.

"I would like a bracelet." I said. "And I would like a name in it."

"Ad what is the name?" The man asked.

"Casey, an can it be in gold." I said.

"I will be right back." The man said, before walking away from the counter. Pulling my phone out. Making over, and over again to put my back in a better position. The man came back with a box.

"Here you go." He said. I handed him the money. I walked out of the store. going back down the street, towards the flat. As i opened the door. I saw that Barclay and Liz were hanging the balloons on the wall. They turned around to face me.

"What did you get him?" Barclay asked.

"This." I said, pulling the box out of my bag. Carefully opening the box, to show them the gold bracelet with Casey name.

"That's nice." Liz said.

"I'm going to get ready for the party." I said, walking into the hallway. Putting the box on the dresser. Grabbing my floral dress from the closet.

"They are on their way back." Barclay said. I pulled my boots over my feet. Walking back into the living room. Barclay had hung a curtain in front of the hallway.

"By the way. You may want the bracelet." Barclay said. I went back into the room. Grabbing the box. I stood behind the curtain.

"They're here." Barclay said. I heard the door open. Hearing the foot stores coming into the flat.

"Happy Birthday Casey." They said.

"Where is Katy?" Casey asked.

"We don't know. You may want to change." I hear Barclay say. I heard foot steps coming closer to the hallway. Casey move the curtain. A smile came on his face. He ran over to me.

"I have something for you." I said, pulling the box from behind my back. Casey opened it.

"I love it." He said, pulling me into a hug. Pressing his lips against mine. He took my had into his. Walking out into the hallway. We sat down on the couch. The boys were talking.

"I love you Katy." Casey said.

"I love you too Casey." I said. Casey looked at me. He leaned in, pressing his lips against mine. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Who wants to watch a movie?" Charlie shouted. Everyone rised thier hands.

"Casey you get to pick the movie."

"War of thw Worlds." Casey said. Chalire through the movies on tv. He finally landed on War of the Worlds. It had just started. I said the whole opening sequence.

"Katy, how do you know that?" Reece asked.

"I have seen this over a hundred times." I said. Reece rolled his eyes. My eyes stayed on the screen the whole movie. I cloud tell the Reece didn't like some parts. He turned to face me when the movie was over.

"How could you watch that?" He asked.

"It's easy. I ave read the book." I said, "I'm going to bed." I got up from the couch. Casey followed.

"Katy, what's wrong?" He asked, when we walked into the bedroom.

"It's just my back." I said.

"I'm going back out into the living room." He said, walking out of the room. I sat on the bed. Looking at the collage. Grabbing my guitar. And my journal. Writing down some lyrics.

You think you're missed
Well let me tell you this.

I knew i was writing a song about my mum. I do miss her so much. She did say to me that she was happy that i was with Casey. I grabbrd my laptop. Casey had brought me a macbook pro. Recording myself singing.

I remember life before
Faraway dreams and locking doors
Then you came, then you came
Afraid to fall, to be free
Always were our worst enemy
Isn't what, what you see
I took time to realize
That I couldn't do it by myself, myself

There's no gravity when you're next to me
You always break my fall like a parachute
When you're holding me so well it's like I barely breathe
You always break my fall, my fall
Like a parachute
You're my parachute

With you it all begins
Feeling okay in my own skin
So alive, I'm so alive
I know this life isn't gonna be perfect
The ups and downs are gonna be worth it
As long as I'm, I'm with you

Uploaded it to YouTube. I thought that it would make Casey happy. Casey walked into the room.

"I want to show you something." I said, grabbing my laptop. Hoeing him the video. He pulled his phone out.

@CaseyCodyJ - @Katy_Sims posted a vid. Go check it out.

The tweet with getting tons and tons f buzz. I just went to sleep.


Author's note

Can of a weird part.

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