There they are. As I walk down the hall I make eye contact with them. We hold eye contact until eventually walking past each other. My heart feels like it's beating out of my chest. I continue walking down the hallway as I feel a hand grip around my wrist, I turn around. "Commander Hange?" They smirk and move their hand from my wrist to my hand, they intertwine their fingers with mine and step closer to me, our faces are inches apart. I blush and move forward to kiss them but I hear something in the distance, "Y/n." After a few seconds I hear it again, louder this time "Y/n."

I wake up and see Captain Levi in the doorway to my room. "Goodmorning, Captain Levi." I'm not surprised that was a dream but I wish it wasn't. I've had a crush on Commander Hange since we became scouts, well, a bit more than a crush to be honest. Me and Commander Hange are friends but we aren't close like that. "Goodmorning, now get up you lazy shit." Levi said to me, I laughed a little and started to get up. Me and Levi are pretty close, I consider him my older brother, though he's not much older than me. There's only a couple years difference and yet he still acts like he's a grandpa. "What are you, my mom?" He scoffs at my joke, I tease him by bending down to his height, "Awe what's wrong short-stack?" I mockingly frown at him. He tries to swing a smack at me but I dodge it. "Hurry up and get dressed so we can go eat breakfast." I smile and nod, I shoo him out of my room so I can get dressed from my pajamas to my scouts uniform. I open the door once I'm done getting dressed to see Levi waiting there for me. "Awe you waited for me shorty?" I smile at him sarcastically. He has the same bland look on his face, "Shut up." He says and starts quickly walking away. "Hey! Wait up!" I chase after him.

I eventually catch up to him, panting as I attempt to walk with him. For a short guy he walks surprisingly fast. We make our way to the eating quarters and sit with the other scouts. I sit by Levi, Petra, and Oluo. Hange, Moblit, and Levi's latest addition to the team, a titan, Eren Jaeger sit on the opposite side or the table. "How are your experiments going Hange?" I ask and smile. Levi punches my arm, "Just how stupid are you, Y/n?" I roll my eyes at him, "Shut up, Levi."

Hange smiles and gets all riled up, I think it's adorable when they get like that, that's exactly why I asked them. Hange goes on a huge rant, by the time breakfast is over everyone is exhausted from hearing them talk. I'm not though, I could listen to them talk for hours.

Everyone else ends up leaving the table except for me and Hange, they were still telling me about their newfound experiments and information. I was still smiling from listening to them. "Oh-" Hange says, looking around. "Where's everyone else?" They looked at me curiously, I chuckled a bit, the curious look on their face was cute. "Breakfast is over, everyone probably went to do their daily duty's." I explained. Hange smiled at me and my heart started racing a little bit, "Want to stay and help me clean up the eating quarters, then?" Hange asked me, I blushed at the thought of being alone with them for so long and nodded my head in response. "Good, then let's get started!"

In my dreams - Hange x readerWhere stories live. Discover now