"Are you going to come inside?" Levi asked, "No, I should stay here and wait for Hange's shirt to dry." Levi just sighed and walk inside. I sat back down and brought my knees closer to my chest, I rested my head on my knees and ended up falling asleep.

I can feel a warm arm wrapped around my waste, I turn my head to see Hange laying next to me. They nuzzle their head into my neck and softly say "Goodmorning, love." I smile and kiss the top of their head, "Goodmorning." I position myself lower so I can look at them as they rest, they're so beautiful and peaceful as they sleep. I move a strand of hair that fell in front of their face behind their ear, "Hange, you know I hate to wake you, but we have to get up." Hange groaned, "I just want to stay here with you forever." I sighed, "Me too, Hange." I wrap my arms around them and close my eyes. I feel a couple taps on my shoulder,

I open my eyes to find it was, yet again, another dream. I sighed and looked to see who it was that had woken me up. Hange stood beside me, still in the shirt I had given them. "What's up?" I asked as I stood up. "I came out to check if the shirt was dry yet and found you sleeping, I thought it'd be best to wake you up." I smiled at their response, seeing them first thing when I wake up isn't so bad. "It looks pretty dry, you should be able to change now." Hange smiled and nodded as they picked up their shirt, "Oh, yeah, Hange?" I said, grabbing their attention, "Hm?" "Did those dishes every get done, I would have done them but I fell asleep as you can tell." Hange was quiet in thought for a few seconds. "I'm not sure, we should go check just in case." I nod and we start walking towards the kitchen once again.

As Hange and I walk into the kitchen we find all the dishes done and neatly put away, Levi was standing beside them. "Ah, so you finished them Levi?" He slightly nods in response, "You're welcome." I smile, me and Hange hug him, "Thank you, Levi!!" "I already said you're welcome, now get off of me." He says as he try's pushing us off, we eventually give in and let go of him. "You guys can't always slack off like this, you have to take responsibility." "Mhm, I know Levi." I say with a slight nod, Hange smiles and nods too.

Levi dusts himself off and walks out of the room. I look over to Hange, "Do you want to change in my room or your office, I'll have to stay with you either way so I can get my shirt." Hange thinks for a moment, "Then we should probably go to your room." I nod my head and start walking towards my room with Hange by my side.

Once we get to my room Hange walks in and closes the door while I wait outside for them. "I put the shirt back in your wardrobe." Hange says, "Alright that's fine." I open the door and walk in the room. I look over at Hange and see they were still shirtless, I look down, "Oh, sorry, I assumed you were finished since you said you put my shirt away, sorry." I say then walk back out, trying not to accidentally look up, I'm sure I'm a blushing mess.

After I walk back outside I slide down against the wall and cover my face in my hands, that was so embarrassing, I didn't even give them a chance to say anything.

I hear a voice from above me, "Y/n?" I keep my face covered, "Do you have a shirt on now?" Hange laughs, "I do." I slowly look up to see they were fully clothed and gave a relieved sigh, "Sorry again, Hange." Hange offers their hand to help me stand up, which I accept. "You don't have to keep saying sorry, Y/n, I know you wouldn't do something like that on purpose." Hange smiles at me, I nod, still blushing a bit.

Levi walks over towards us, "Oh, Hange, you're here too? Good." Me and Hange are both confused, "What's up, Levi?" I ask. "Erwin needs everyone." Me and hange both nod in response and follow Levi.

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