chapter 5 - The blooming relationship

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Harry had packed all of his stuff into his caramel and tawny brown coloured trunk. He put Hedwing into her copper cadge and put it on his trunk.

"You ready to go Harry?" Draco said, his cheeks were a baby pink from the peck they shared.

"Yep, just let me do one more thing." Harry then grabbed Draco's hand and tried to kiss his cheek but ended up missing and kissing the tip of the nose intead.

Draco's baby pink checks turned into a pink punch and he, put a singlar hand over his mouth diverting his eyes anywhere else but in veiw of Harry's eyes.

"So, will the Draco Malfoy be my boyfriend?" Harry asked with a grin.

"Yes!" Draco answered with joy.

"Now come on my soft ferret, it's time to go."
Draco grabbed the trunk and carfully put the cadge with Headwing making sure not to drop her, while Harry was distracting the Dursley's. They go onto a pine green and black train back to Tom and Severus's house.

2 hours later they arrived.

(A/N) My apologies it's so short the next one will be longer than this one

from Charlie :)

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