Chapter 30

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Sans giggled at the mirror screen, watching a shaking emoji wiggle about on the screen. Ever since they left Wonderland, things had been perfect. Him and Chara picked up with one another easily, and would text each other over their mirrors whenever they could. Toriel even let Chara come to Sans' school once in awhile, so Chara would join their group and eat lunch. It was fun.

One of the more permanent changes were the new students. Frisk, child of Alice Wonderland, and Asriel, Chara's little brother, both joined Monster Kid's grade and now attended Ever After High. They kept the little guy distracted from following Undyne, so it worked out pleasantly. They even made a little friend group, it was adorable. Like a smaller, younger version of Alphys' friend group.

Things were good. Except for a few people, specifically those who had benefited greatly from Sans becoming evil. Mettaton was one of them. Sans knew Mettaton had snapped at Papyrus during one point, but thankfully Papyrus knew the real reason and hadn't taken it too personally.


Bless Papyrus. Sans was pretty sure evil would have ruled the world if it wasn't for Papyrus' pureness that spread across all land that he touched. If someone found out that Papyrus' birth had inadvertently lead to Sans' goodness, Sans wouldn't be that surprised. Papyrus just existing created a sense of hope with how kind he was.

Things were nice now. Sans hung out with his friends. Sometimes he played video games with Chara. Alphys managed to transfer one of her classes to a science one. Grillby was inheriting his parents business and was studying cooking more closely.

Everyone was happy. It was nice.

"Mettaton said he wanted us to meet up before school," Alphys had explained, watching Sans set his mirror back into his bookbag. "His friend is attending our school and he's in all of your classes, so he wants you to show him around."

Admittedly, not the best way to spend his day, but Sans was fine with it. Maybe he could add a new friend to his ever growing friend group? It was a possibility.

Mettaton soon arrived, stepping out of his own limo with an undeterminable expression upon his face. After a moment, another person followed, and Sans' jaw dropped.

Holy crap, that guy was hot.

Thick white hair was brushed to the side, with firm purple eyes, almost magical, glancing down at Sans. He was tall, a fully defined ab line perminating through his shirt. Welp, there went Sans, being extremely gay, as per usual. Mettaton himself was enough, but his friend as well? Where did Mettaton find all of these hot guys? And could Sans go there?

"This is my good friend, uh... Meer Shards. Yes. Meer Shards."

"It's nice to meet you." His voice was like honey, silky and calm, almost lulling in a sense. Sans perked up at being noticed, his hot guy alarms ringing loudly throughout his skull.

"Oh, uh... hey! I'm Sans, Sans Cheshire." Sans tried to keep his bones from clattering excitedly. Mettaton was one thing, but this guy just stepped off the playing field. No way those biceps were real. No freaking way.

"You're Sans, son of the Evil King? The most powerful man in all of fairytale history? You're like a celebrity!" Meer said, grin wide. "That's so cool!"

"Really? Nah, it ain't," Sans said, waving off the subject. "My Dad freaking sucks. And I'm not even following my destiny, so it doesn't matter."

Sans didn't notice how the boys expression seemed to deflate slightly. Only Mettaton did, who glanced to the side with surprise.

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