Chapter 6

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Actually, this wasn't a bad setup. Things were going good. Sans had friends! Well, he only had two, but he had friends!

Alphys was the obvious one, and they hung out as much as they could, as neither of them could make close friends. The more surprising friend to join their duo was actually Papyrus.

It was odd, how he somehow managed to slip into their little hangout sessions. Papyrus was just that type of person, open and genuine, wanting to make everyone around him happy. That's why he had been so pushy on the first day, he had saw that Sans was lonely and wanted to give him a friend.

Somehow, it was somewhat inspiring.

That's how they became a small group. There was a small opening in the forest next to the school, allowing for the three to sneak away and eat lunch there in peace. Papyrus was the one who fueled most of the conversation, but the other two didn't mind. He was good company. Sure, the white haired human was loud, and talked a lot about himself, but he had a somewhat charming way about it, and he always made sure to include others.

One thing Papyrus liked to do was watch animals. He really loved all types of animals, so he could often be found with a bunny on his lap or a bird on his shoulder, the tall boy sometimes bringing homemade spaghetti to feed to the animals. Alphys was the daughter of Snow White, so she could easily just hum out a tune and cause animals to come running from the forest for Papyrus.

Know what, maybe it was their skills with animals that allowed for Sans to make his first real friends. After all, he was part cat.

And they learned rather quickly to abuse that.

It had been Kitty, his own sister, who betrayed him out and showed the other two his weak spots. The two were children of the Cheshire cat, so they both did come with some cat like traits. The ears and tails were obvious, but what wasn't very obvious was their love for attention and being pet. Which was incredibly embarrassing to the two.

So, of course, they naturally sold themselves out to the others friends in a heartbeat.

To be fair, Kitty had been getting payback on Sans for when he had told her close friends about it. He did deserve to get sold out as well, but it felt weird when it was his first ever friends who decided to pet him.

For both of the Cheshire children, their Mother too, behind the ears and under the chin quickly got the Cheshire family purring in mere seconds. It wasn't a very intimate or romantic thing like people thought it was, which honestly was a weird thought. How would it even be used in bed like people assumed? No, that would just be weird. Being pet and purring was more of a helpful friend or family thing to do, but one that showed a good connection with one another. It was sharing an embarrassing fact about themselves, like admitting a bad tattoo or showing a secret collection of ponies.

But when they pet Sans, he was just down.

Of course it had been Papyrus who pet him first, the human was always eager to do new things and learn about his friends.

It was hard to exactly describe how it felt to be pet. It felt like eating, in a sense. It was nice, and sometimes you liked to binge, but overall they did need to indulge in being pet. They were cats, of course they liked to be pet. It was just a bit degrading to admit, and embarrassing.

There was no fight. The moment Papyrus' hands had scratched behind his ears, Sans just dropped. Purrs of content rumbled from his chest as the human hand scratched at his hoodie covered ears. Sans had ended up dropping against Papyrus, allowing for the petting to continue as his tail swished happily behind him.

"AW, LOOK AT HIM!" Papyrus said, "HE'S PURRING!"

"He doesn't like under his chin, but keep petting his ears and tail," Kitty said, grinning widely at her brothers downfall.

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