Chapter 10

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It wasn’t easy to forget about what his Dad did, when there was no much evidence around. Sans always felt guilty whenever he saw what his Father had done, just how many people he had hurt. 

One didn’t have to go far to find the society still recovering from his Father, even to this day. Most of the damage had been repaired, but Wonderland itself was a great example, the King’s last major ‘screw you’ to Sans before he finally vanished. 

Sans had heard about the abandoned castle, he was told about it. The castle of the Evil King, that had been left behind when Snow White had fought back against him, as their destiny spoke of. Technically, it was supposed to be Sans’, but he didn’t want it. He never wanted to visit it, but the HeadMaster decided to make a field trip there to show some of his “top” students the castle of the Evil King. 

Really, it was just the students he felt like needed to be nudged to follow their paths, but it was aimed at Sans.

It was odd how most of the destiny parents acted. They didn’t want violence, they only wanted peace and happiness. Yet when Sans offered them that, they got mad at him. They didn’t see the peace Sans wanted, they saw a child who refused to follow his destiny. Apparently, to the HeadMaster, being violent and predictable was better than giving peace and not following his destiny.

That’s what he had said that day, when he had informed Sans it was a required field trip for him. Sans was always in his Office at this point, it was quite normal. He got used to seeing himself in the mirror on the wall. 

The bus bounced down the road, Kitty scrolling down her mirror on her lap next to him. This trip wasn’t for the top students, that was obvious. It was the HeadMaster just reminding everyone he felt like he needed to that the Evil King and his child was evil. 

The guy wasn’t completely bad, at least. He just didn’t trust Sans. He let him wear his hoods, he protected his identity. He didn’t force Sans to do anything outside of following school rules, he just didn’t agree with what Sans believed, but let the skeleton follow his own path. Just without any support. 

It was a weird collection of people that was attending, two buses full traveling towards the castle. Obviously, both he and Kitty were attending, as they were related to the Evil King. Well, Kitty wasn’t related to him. Not by blood. More of a step daughter, so she had no tie in his destiny. 

Papyrus and Undyne were sitting across from Sans, Undyne sharpening her spear she tended to carry on her despite the danger of holding it up, especially with how bouncy the bus was. Neither of them seemed concerned, they had both been training for years, they were good with weapons. Alphys was in her own limo, she wasn’t allowed on the normal buses.

Most of the students here were just random, it felt like. Though Sans could see why the HeadMaster would bring everyone that dealt with his destiny, Undyne and Alphys, along with his other friend, Papyrus. The HeadMaster had said he actually doesn’t mind that Sans had friends, he supported Sans interacting with the people from his destiny. He just wanted them to push Sans to what he believed was “right”. 

Unsurprisingly, Grillby was brought along, too. The fire monster sat in the back of the bus, seeming quiet and reserved to himself. He wasn’t very shy, but his introduction at the beginning of the week didn’t do him many favors to get friends. Maybe if he was royalty, or a higher story, he would have had some help, but he didn’t, like Undyne. Their stories were shorter, but at least Undyne’s served a role in the story of Snow White. Grillby’s story was isolated, and his introduction spouting about a skeleton sealed the deal. Everyone was off put by him.

The HeadMaster had given Sans a long lecture, he was pretty angry to find out that Sans had saved Grillby then ditched him, causing drama to unfold. What he was really mad about was that Sans saved him, for some reason. 

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