Our Dirty Little Secret

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Y/n's POV

It was a new day in Hogwarts. There were smiling faces and chattering among the halls. I walked down the halls till I saw him. Draco Malfoy, the school's heartthrob. Him and I were best friends since the first year. I walked over to him and flicked his neck. "Hey loser" I said giggling at the name I called him. "Hey Y/n/n (your nick name)" he said rubbing his neck. He then brought me closer to him by wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "So do did you ever do the Potions homework" I asked him as we sat down in our common room. "Mmm nope" he said popping the p. "You are so lazy you know" I said getting up shaking my head. "Well sorry I'm not a bookworm and cares about school" he said kicking his feet on the coffee table. "Off" I said snapping and pointing at his feet. He groaned and slammed them on the floor. "Better?" He said with an attitude. I rolled my eyes and went up to my dorm room closing my door.

Draco's POV

Lazy?! I'm not lazy! This girl is driving me nuts. I can barely skip ONE homework assignment without being called names. I swear she's like my mum who didn't give birth to me. But if I'm going to be honest, when she does get upset it is pretty hot. Like, whenever she rolled her eyes or gets sassy and bossy with me. Holy Shit I'm hard. Damnit ughhhh. I can't be seen like this in here. I got up from the couch and made my way towards the girls bathroom. I soon made my way into the Chamber of Secrets. I felt like as if someone was following me but when I looked back I saw no one. I brushed it off and continued my way to the Chamber. The Chamber was my secret place whenever I needed to think. But I don't need to think right at this moment. I just need a private place to masturbate. I sat of the floor pulling out my rock hard dick and just started jerking off. I only imagined the sight of Y/n's naked body bouncing up and down my dick. I bit my lip and moaned out "Y/n".

Y/n's POV

I heard the common room open and close so I decided to see who left. While I looked around I saw Draco walking towards the girls bathrooms. It was pretty weird but I bet he's meeting up with one of his random hookups. I'm still surprised he hasn't gotten any girls pregnant yet. But, when I peeked inside he was opening the Chamber of Secrets. Before he could see me when he turned around, I swiftly moved behind a pillar. When I heard his footsteps I began to follow slowly so my shoes don't make a sound. As I got to the final step I heard noises. I walked to where I heard the noises from and I- it was fucking hot. I then heard him moan my name. Why would he-? Unless he turned on by me?! I accidentally dropped a broomstick and I instantly regretted it. Draco quickly put his dick back in his pants when he say me standing there awkwardly. "W-what are you doing he Y/n!" He said walking over to me. "Oh uh" I said before I was cut off by him pinning me to the wall kissing me. I kissed back without thinking twice. The kiss turned into a heated make out session. Before it can go any further he looked at me. "Are you sure you want to do this" he asked me. I nodded already feeling myself get wet. He took off his shirt and I took off mine. He grabbed my breasts and started massaging them causing a moan to slip out of my mouth. He smirked and then unclipped my bra throwing it somewhere in this place. He then payed me on the cold stone floor and started stripping me down. I was so self-conscious about my body and I hated how I looked so I quickly covered myself up. Draco noticed and softly moved my hands away and moved his face closer to mine. " You are gorgeous" he said kissing my lips and then he started taking off his pants and boxers so his hard member could be free. I bit my lip at the sight of how hot he looked. I flipped us over and slid myself onto him slowly wincing in pain. "Hey, hey, go as slow as you need till you're used to it" Draco said in a comforting voice. As a couple minutes went by and I started riding him faster and faster and all you could hear were my moans, his grunts, and the sound of skin clapping together. "You're so fucking tight baby" he said to me holding my waist tightly. He flipped us back over so he was on top and he just kept slamming himself into me causing me to practically scream his name. "Draco!" I said clawing his back. He slapped my face in a sexual way. "That's not my name baby girl" he said to me. "Daddy!" I said feeling my cheek heat up. I was getting closer and closer to my climax. "I'm going to cum!" I said to Draco who was already twitching inside of me. "Cum baby girl" he said while drops of sweat drop onto my bare chest. I came with a loud moan and bit my lip. Draco pulled out and came all over my stomach. Draco grabbed his shirt and cleaned us both up. He left out my pussy so he could lick me all up. He finished cleaning me up and kissed my pussy making me smile. We both got dressed even though I needed help because I wasn't able to stand up straight since he destroyed my legs. He put me on his back and said "This is our little dirty secret" he said kissing my cheek. And from that point on we were friends with benefits but hopefully in the near future we could be something more.

1039 words

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