Chapter 9: Driving Each Other Crazy

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Today is the day that we present our master piece. If it's creative and tasty enough we pass and if not, then they'll have to retake the test in a month. I hope he likes our creation.

"Alright, let's see who was the creative one and has the tastiest creation." The chef announced as he entered the room.

"If we fail, I'm murdering someone." I sighed.

"Me too, cause we did a hell of a dessert." He winked at me.

"This cake came from a box, I know the difference. Also, cream is bough and so are the decorations. I said be creative and make your own recipes." He shook his head. "I'll see you two next month."

Damn, that was a dumb move to make. Who buys stuff already made for a very important test. He failed like three pairs, and after tasting everyone elses and grading them, he came to our table.

"So much passion in this masterpiece It's colorful and I love the dancing couple while waiting for the dessert to bake." He said while looking every detail in our masterpiece. "I'm just gonna try something small, it hurts to destroy it."

He tasted and his eyes went big. Kinda like when you taste something so freaking good and just reached cloud 9.

"I made the right decision in pairing you two. When you two are together, everything is just magical, and this dessert proves it. I'll see you two at graduation."

He looked at the rest of the class and told a few that he will see them in a week in our ceremony. And then he grabbed our dessert and left. We laughed. After our practical exam, we went to do the written ones. After about 3 hours of taking every exam, we chill outside.

"I can't believe we made it." Aurora told us.

"Yes, finally no more classes." I sighed as I leaned my head on Thiago's shoulder.

"Ladies and gentleman. I just finished my last exam and every one of my teachers told me, I did amazing. Say hello to lawyer Kayson." He grinned. We just chuckled.


Thiago, didn't want to go to his house. He said he wanted to spend the rest of the day with me.

"I can't believe college chapter is over." I said as I plopped on the couch.

He sat down and said, "Now comes adulting. We will be rivals." He chuckled.

I got up and sat on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in. "Is that going to be a problem?"

He wrapped his arms around my waist, "no, because I like my rival. She's so sexy and so little I could carry her in my pocket."

I laughed. "I'm not little, you're just too tall."

"I could easily lose the bet right now, but I want to see you cooking braless." He smirked.

"And I could too, but I want to see you cook naked." I trace his bottom lip with my thumb.

He Just chuckled.

"Can I ask you something?" I said while tracing the eagle tattoo he has on his chest. He took off his shirt when we arrived, said he hates long sleeves shirt.

"Go ahead." He told me while unbuttoning my blouse.

"What if we get serious, what if things go so well for us, and then one day your dad tells you to drop me cause I'm your rival. Would you dump me?"

He grabbed my face and caressed it, "no, because I rather work at a diner and keep seeing you, than work in a 5 star restaurant and not see you."

"So romantic." I rested my forehead on his. "See, you can be nice and not the jerk from two months ago."

"I was having a bad day cause father dear, saw me looking at your pictures from instagram. He said you were the rival's daughter and I had no business getting involved with you."

"But you didn't know my name back then, how did you find me?"

He chuckled, "you had on your wall a diploma that said, to the greatest little ballerina, Arabella Cooper."

"Ah, I forgot you've been in my room." I giggled.

"And we had a great time." He whispered in my ear. "Quiero hacerte mia de nuevo, besar todo tu cuerpo, hacerte gritar."

"I have no idea what you just said, but I'm seriously turned on. You're driving me crazy." I said as my heart was racing really fast.

"You really want to know?"

"Yes, I want to learn your language."

"I said, I want to make you mine again, kiss every inch of your body. I want to make you scream." He said in his sexy raspy accent.

Well, fuck.

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