Chapter 16: Trapped In A Nightmare

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It's been a month since I last saw Thiago. I keep in contact with his mom though. He tells me how he is and still no memory of me. He doesn't even remember my friends. Thiago's parents told me what happened with Sofia back in Spain.

I left my place and went to the beach hill he took me. As I made my way up, I saw him kissing her. This wasn't happening. I'm trapped in a freaking nightmare, and I can't seem to wake up.

"Te amo." She told him.

He just smiled and kissed her. This hurts so bad, why did this had to happened. Thiago and I had plans together, we wanted to see the world and then eventually settle down and have a family.


We were at his house having lunch, Thiago was the one who popped the question.

"Do you want kids in the future?"

"I do, being a mother is one of my dreams. I love kids and in the future I want to settle down and get married." I smiled.

"How about getting married to your Spanish boyfriend in the future." He said as he placed me on his lap.

"Mm." I pursed my lips. He gave me a look, I laughed. "I would love that."

He placed a soft kiss on my lips. "I fucking love you, Arabella Cooper."

"And I love you like crazy, Thiago Navarro." I caressed his face.

*end of flashback*

We were supposed to get married in the future, not you with Sofia. I cried, that's all I've been doing for a month, crying. As I made my way down, I stepped on a branch.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" He asked me.

I wiped my tears. "I came here to relax, but since it isn't empty, I'll be leaving."

"Babe, I think she's one of those creepy people who enjoy seeing people having sex."

Is this bitch for real? I want to punch her stupid punchable face.

"First, I used to come here with him. And second, if I want to watch people having sex, I would rather watch porn and not you." I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know who you think you are, but never disrespect my girlfriend, well, fianceé." He told me.

"You proposed? Thiago, please don't get married. You don't love her, you love me, we-"

He cut me off, "shut up, I don't know you, you were never my girl so just get lost and let me enjoy this special day."

"You're making the biggest mistake. Your mom told me what really happened, you caught her cheating and you left her. She doesn't want you."

"She's lying, you know there's only you, it's always been you." She pecked her lips.

"Whatever your name is, just leave me alone. And don't come near me or her. I'll have to get a restraining order." He said with so much coldness.

"Screw you, Thiago Navarro." I yelled at him. I made my way to the car and drove off.

Why cant I wake up from this nightmare. Why cant he see that Sofia is a, wolf dressed as a sheep.


I entered my house and was met by a very furry friend. She knows when I'm sad, she hasn't left my side, normally she just eat and then sleeps and ignores me cause she's a couch potato. I love her for staying close to me. Some people say that animals cant cheer you up, they have no idea how wrong they are.

"He got engaged, Wolfie. I told you to bite him that time or pee and all you did was snuggle to him." I sighed as I sat on the couch.

She walked to where I was and plopped on my lap. I pet her, "I think I lost him. It's time to move on."


"Dont use that tone with me, he is getting married and his memory seems to be on a vacation. It's been a month and nothing. How can I make him remember me. I'm sure he has seen our picture in his phone, but he doesn't remember me."


I was cleaning my bedroom, and when I opened my desk drawer I saw a picture. It was me and that girl from earlier. She was on my back and we were laughing. Not sure what came over me. It's like a feeling I can't explain. I grabbed my phone and checked the pictures. I normally don't check them, but seeing this picture made me wonder if we actually dated.

"Damn, did she actually let me take a picture of her naked. Okay I'm also naked in the next one. No wonder they were locked. Seems like we were intense."

I sighed. I kept looking at more pictures but I still didn't know who she was, sure the pictures are here, but I don't remember ever being with her. Maybe with time I'll remember her. But whatever happened between us, is in the past, I'm with Sofia and she is the one I want.

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