𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓯 𝓣𝔀𝓸

36 0 1

(Y/N)'s pov

I'm sat on the edge of Akechi's bed staring into his beautiful eyes we were edging closer to each other, his hand laid on my thigh and his fingers were rubbing circles on them.
I feel his breath on my lips as he closes the-


I shoot up in my bed, blushing like there's no tomorrow.
"What. The flying. Fuck."
I sigh recalling the vivid dream I just woke up from.
"This is getting out of hand..." I shake my head disappointed in myself for falling so hard.
I aggressively shut off my alarm and rub my eyes groggily, throwing back the duvet stretching and cracking my back.

I yawn and walk over to take a shower and get ready for the day of school. I toast my crumpet and butter it, eating it as I leave my house.
(Very British and stereotypical but holy shit they're so good)
I lock my door and let my mind wonder as I walked through the pouring rain.

I used to live in Britain, this rain isn't anything to me.

I remember about the announcement of a transfer student coming in today, Kamoshida said he had a criminal record but if Kamoshida's saying that, the kid's probably harmless.

I walk to the subway and notice that familiar mop of brown hair.

Don't notice me. Don't notice me. Don't notice-

"Hey (Y/N)!"


I immediately start blushing,
"O-oh hey Akechi" I smile nervously. The only thing on my mind is the dream oh god.
"Are you okay your face is getting red? Not to mention the rain has soaked you through... you're not getting sick are you?"

Sir I am very sick right now. You're the main cause.

"Nah I'm just a tad bit warm!" I watch him pull his glove down to uncover the back of his hand-
I'm getting redder. This is it. I'm dying.
"Yeah you are quite warm, well as long as it isn't serious!" He smiled at me.
I simply nod as he ruffles my hair, drenched hair,
"Well I need to be off, I'll see you later" he checks his phone for the time I assume.
"Y-yeah see you..." We wave each other off.


I shake my head and just focus on getting to school.

Walking up I see Kamoshida's car stop next to Ann and-

Wait, who is that? His hair is so fluffy I have to ask to touch it someday. Wait OH THAT'S THE TRANSFER STUDENT! Oh that makes sense.

Kamoshida then drives off with Ann leaving me to get a good look at the kid...

Oh god he's tall, I'll break my neck trying to look at him.

I must have been staring for too long because he gave me a small smile and a wave, I return the two actions.

I walk over to him and hold out my hand,
"The name's (L/N) (Y/N) but please just call me (Y/N)!" He shakes my hand and replies,
"Kurusu Akira, but just use Akira" I nodded smiling brightly.

I noticed a certain blonde running up to us and I smile even more,
"RYUJIIIII" I call out waving at him,
He joins us both sheltered from the pelting rain.
"Oh hey (Y/N)" he gives a signature cheeky grin, "so who's this guy?" He continues on.
"Call me Akira" I keep gawking at this mans height, of course he notices this,
"Something wrong?"

Without thinking I respond,
"Your height offends me."

You blunt motherfucker (Y/N). What is wrong with you?

Both Akira and Ryuji laugh and Ryuji decides to use my head as an arm rest. I pout scrunching up my face.

"Oh shit, I gotta go the teachers wanted me in early because I need to 'catch up' on maths. They're just calling me dim." I huff

"Do you want to take my umbrella?" Akira ever so sweetly offered me,
"Nah, I've lived through worse rain, thank you though" I politely decline and wave walking off.

Okay. Game plan. I want to get into the metaverse but don't wanna drag them in... Ever since I accidentally made my way into my dad's palace I've had my own persona. I like to call it the Mad Hatter because it reminds me of Alice in Wonderland...

Should I just follow very far behind them? No I'll wait for them to go to school then enter from-

I felt a seed of dread plant itself in the bottom of my gut before leaving just as quick as it appeared.

I didn't already navigate myself in right?

I peer over to the two who were making their way over to "school". They couldn't have... could they?

Well, Akira and Ryuji, this is about to get very interesting.

I hop from around the castle hoping to find that Morgana thing, I stay perfectly out of sight.

Hell yeah (Y/N)! Like a pro! Wait shit he's right there.

I quietly walk over to his cell,
"Morgana... psst"

"Hnnn what" I presume he's uncomfortable in that cell, poor thing...

"There are 2 others here this time, you can't say a word about me. Got it?"

"Uh huh sure Thumper whatever you say"

"T-Thumper!? Where did that come from??" I whisper yell to conceal my location.

"Your outfit is literally a rabbit and the only rabbit I know is named Thumper, you even have a little cottontail with the outfit."

"Okay fine you have a valid point... oh and uh by the way, " I slide Morgana keys through the cell bars, "you're welcome. Now, not a word about me to the other two, you got it?"

"Nyahaha! Now we're talking! Yes yes not a word!" His eyes turned to... diamond shapes...? Really...?

"Now go knock yourself out with the other kids, not literally though, please..."

"Yeah yeah just get lost already!"

"Okay! Okay! I'm going damn..."

I quietly and quickly hurry away from the area and hear a grunt of pain, I'm already pretty high up so I reach an edge of to wherever the fuck I am and see Kamoshida stood on top of Ryuji.

Oh hell no.

I swivel my sniper around from being on my back to into my hands, I aim for Kamoshida's crown as a warning shot.
I shoot and hit the target perfectly, the crown goes flying off. Just as I thought. All eyes in my direction now.

I hear angry yells from this peeved teacher, I don't care to listen and make an escape back into pure darkness and my eyes widen...

I look harder and just as I thought.



"𝓐 𝓣𝓱𝓾𝓶𝓹 𝓲𝓷 𝓜𝔂 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽"  •Goro Akechi x Female Reader• Where stories live. Discover now