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Third Person POV;

Y/n drove the intoxicated demons through the crowded highways of the Greed ring. Her f/c hair fanning behind her shoulders as she rolled the window down and sped through traffic. 

'This is your mansion on the right, right?' She asked the drunken leader, his mind becoming even more clouded than when they left the club. The drunken robot pressed his face against the window, maybe a bit too hard as his face squished against it.

'Dashhitt, dashhh da plasshhhh,' He said for once, without glitching. Y/n took his word for it and swerved into the driveway. The male demons rolled around in the backseat of the car and then Mammon paused. The car came to a stop as Mammon sat up and looked at Fizzarolli, his eyes still. The robot knew what was to come, he backed off, leaning on the left door of the car. 'Don't d-do it Mammon,' 

He simply said as the leader composed himself. Mammon sat up and gulped, the Fizzarolli sighed in relief. Just as the ease hit the robot's mind Mammon lunged forward and puked all over him. The Fizzarolli gagged and then they both rolled out of the car. Y/n had opened the door and stood in front of the drunken pair as they tumbled out.

'Ew, who the fuck shit themselves?' She pinched her nose and looked at the two taking note that the robot got puked on. 'Come on pile of fucks, let's get you guys inside,' She helped Mammon up and Fizz helped her carry him. Fizz blankly looked back at the car and then at Y/n.

'Do-es you still has da ke-keyzez?' He asked as the female turned to him and jingled them in front of his face. The Fizz flinched at the sudden noise and turned his attention back to the front door of the mansion. A short, chubby, sketchy looking butler opened the door. He watched the trio come in, a passed out Mammon leaning on Y/n, followed by a drunken circus entertainer. The small butler's eyes widen.

'Well, I'm assuming they had a good time,' He references to Y/n with a grin. She smiles at him smugly. 

'They left you a nice present in the car,' He looked outside at the limo and closed the door behind Fizzarolli. Y/n turned to him, still holding the drunken leader with her small frame. 'I'd like to know where his resting quarters are,' The little butler started up a massive spiraling staircase, leading up.

'This way if you please,' He said simply. Y/n blinked once and wobbled, trying to steady Mammon for a bit. Fizz took notice and made a move as he waltzed to her.

'He-here let me help,' He said trying to stand steady on his own two feet. Y/n smiled to him simply and stretched out her long, f/c, feathered wings.

'I got this,' She simply said and made one big stride with her strong wings, lifting her and the hammered leader above ground and up the stairs. 'Try to keep up,' She referenced to the short little butler who was chasing the female up the stairs with his short little legs. Fizz stood there and stared. He then looked down at his puke covered outfit and tried not to hurl. It was going to be a long, painful night. 

The next morning~

Mammon sleeps deeply as the early morning pentagram peaks through his deep red curtains. He rolls over for a moment, noting the fact that he feels 200 lbs heavier. Yup definitely hungover. He thought as he remembered all the shit he and Fizz took part in yesterday. He strained his mind trying to think of how he got home. This much activity in his head was enough to prevent him from falling back asleep. He reached out for a curvy form in his bed, remembering he got one helluva mistress last night. He felt around farther. Nothing. Mammon opened his eyes to an empty bed. He grew angry, fearing she could've left him like a one night stand.

'Where the Hell is Y/n?!' He shouted loud enough for the mansion to echo off his calls. He sat there, shaking in anger at losing the beauty so quickly. In that present moment someone kicked open his doors and wheeled in a cart full of breakfast foods and various breads. 'What in the FUCK is the meaning of all of this?!' He exclaimed in shock and anger, his head still ringing in pain due to the hangover. The cart rolled in with a perky Y/n pushing behind it.

'Good morning Mammon!' She chirped carelessly ignoring his angry outbursts. 'I knew you were going to be hungover as fuck so I brought you some stuffs to help!' She pushed the cart next to the bed and started to dish up a plate for the hostile leader.

'Woman you're supposed to be right here when I wake up,' Mammon rubbed his eyes and patted the side of the bed. 'I have ungratefully stupid imp chefs that make me food,'

'Oh trust me, I think you'd rather have me in the kitchen,' Y/n insisted and shoved some home made bread into the male's mouth. Before he could object, his baggy bloodshot eyes closed and he chewed quickly.

'Mm,' he swallowed 'This is actually drop dead delicious!'

'Great, all of this helps with massive hangovers,' Y/n stepped back. 'Feel free to help yourself, Fizz must have a hangover as well, so I'll go give some to him,' Y/n turned around to exit the overlord's room but was stopped by him clamping his hand onto her shoulder.

'Fizzarolli can make his own food when he's sick like this,'

'But it's just a decent thing to do,' Y/n turned back to the aggravated overlord, 'He's your friend, he's probably feeling just as sick as you are,'

'He's responsible for his own actions,' Mammon pulled the female demon back onto his bed, her yelping in surprise. 'You're MY mistress, he should have gotten his own if he wanted to be taken care of...'
Y/n thought to object but then felt her neck being nipped at by the powerful male. She blushed deeply but knew she agreed to be his mistress, I mean he was a powerful overlord and promised to pay her well every week. With that fortune, she could get a real job and get somewhere in Hell where she would be valued instead of used. She just had to be toyed around for a bit until then...

Fizzarolli woke up with a mouth full of dirt. He sat up and spit it all out, hacking it back up into the potted plant that he had managed to fall asleep in that night. He stood up and brushed the dirt off of his outfit realizing Mammon had puked on it last night. The robot gagged in disgust and stripped right then and there in the hallway, taking his dirty shit and running to the nearest bathroom. He flung open the door and slammed it shut, shoving the soiled suit into the toilet and attempting to flush it down. He would never see it the same even if he washed it, he would always be able to smell the puke he had to inhale all night long. The outfit, to the robot's surprise, flushed down as quick as a flash. He smiled in satisfaction and turned on the shower to wayyyy hot. He was to clean up well from this nasty hangover.

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