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Y/n wobbled down the stairs from Mammon's sleeping quarters. As she made her way down the long corridors she started to smell something burning in the kitchen. She turned around to investigate and opened up the door only to be blinded by some dark smoke coming from the oven. 

'What in the Heavens is going on here?' The female demon gagged and scrambled to a window shutter and threw it open, letting the nasty, burnt, thick, black, smoke out into the cursed land. Y/n coughed and looked around the kitchen. Once more smoke cleared from the room, she spotted Fizzarolli who had managed to fall asleep on the counter next to the sink. She walked over to him quickly and tapped him on the shoulder. No response. Y/n realized the robot wasn't wearing his clothes, but he didn't smell like vomit either. She paused and thought. Is he technically naked right now? The female stepped back from the sleeping male. It's just a robot, I've seen worse. Y/n resumes trying to wake him up. 'If this is hangover sleep then I'm gonna need to do something so thorough that it might not end well for him,' Y/n muttered to herself. Knowing just the thing to do, she sucked on her index finger making it all nice and goopy. She then resisted to giggle, and shoved it in the Robotic Fizzarolli's metal ear canal. The robot sparked and stood from the counter almost instantly.

'Ah! I-I'm awake!' He whirled around, away from the female to the steaming oven. 'My eggs!' The male cried and crouched near the oven door. He then fell to his knees and started to cry. Y/n stood there trying not to laugh but at the same time, felt very sorry for him and found him undeniably adorable. She approached him slow and then put her small hand on his shoulder. The male looked up in shock and wiped his face when his eyes met hers.

'Y/n!' He stood nervously, sparks flying everywhere. 'It's you, wh-what are you do-doing here?' He shut the oven door quickly and stood in front of his mess. He then realized he didn't have his outfit on and covered where his genitals would be.  He cowered in embarrassment before the female, Y/n laughed at him casually and tossed him an apron she found by the sink as well. The male caught it and looked it up and down.

'You can be the sexy cook today, although looking at your last dish, it looks like you might need my help,' She smiled and approached the jester demon, 'What are you hungry for chef..uh..what's your name exactly?' The jester demon tilted his head in confusion.

'Y-you don't know me?' He asked her, puzzled and somewhat amazed.

'No,' She answered simply. 'Should I?' The male jumped on the counter wearing the apron proudly over his 'naked' body.

'It's me, the robotic Fizzarolli! Shipped from Ozzy's factory to bring you a wonderful show celebrating Loo Loo Land spelled with O's, to avoid lawsuits. Hit it!' He yelled to his band members who obviously weren't there. The female watched as the jester started to sing solo, she started to slowly recognize him.

'Hey wait, you're that one guy from the circus in Loo Loo Land,' She laughed all of the sudden,'You must be ancient dude! You've been at that park since they first opened!' Fizzarolli blushed in embarrassment.

'I'm a robot, I-I don't a-age,' The male crossed his arms.

'Whatever you say grandpa,' Y/n smiled, 'Now what do you want for breakfast chef Fizzie?' The entertainer jumped from the counter and headed toward the fridge.

'H-how do fr-fresh omelettes sound?' He chirped towards the female who neared him. 

'Sounds amazing,' She concluded, then grabbed a ton of oranges, 'Now, you get out what you want on your omelette and I'm going to make you drink a gallon of orange juice.'

'What why?' The Fizzarolli asked while pulling some ingredients from the fridge.

'It'll help with your hangover,' The female smiled at him and started to make the juice. The Fizzarolli looked to her and then back to everything he pulled out of the fridge.

'Ya kn-know, Mammon wouldn't approve of this,..' He glitched nervously.

'Approve of what?' Y/n asked simply, not even glancing at the male.

'You m-making food, or he-helping me make f-food,' The male sparked and started to grade some cheese.

'Why should he care?' Y/n stated, 'He already got his candy this morning,' She swayed her tail and pushed harder on the orange that she had on top of the juicer.  

'Well, I-I'm not sure if h-he mentioned this b-but, you being his mi-mistress means he o-owns you,'

'Wait what he never mentioned that,' Y/n stopped making the juice and turned to the jester. 'You mean like he owns me forever?' She exclaimed as the jester laughed.

'No no, only wh-when he eventually ge-gets tired of y-you or gets r-r-rid of you,' The robot tensed at his choice of words.

'Gets rid of me?' The female questioned looking at him.

'Like fi-fires you,' He quickly responded.

'Oh, I see,' She concurred onto what he was saying, 'Well, he never told me I couldn't be myself, so as far as I'm concerned, I really could care less about he thinks,' The male tried to object but let it slide because, how could you tell someone that they're doomed before they're doomed.

⚜️Mammon's Mistress⚜️ RoboFizz X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now