Chapter Two

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Note: There will be a few random references thrown in here. Now enjoy!!

The room was silent as I sat on my desk, typing away in frustration on the fact I just took THE Diavolo home and away from his infinite death loop for the time being...

I looked at him as he was sulking on my couch as the only sound that can be heard was the ticking of the clock on my wall.

Honestly, we were in an... Ahem... Odd situation...

"So..." I began to break the ice between us. "...How was your day?"

"Shit," he replied quietly, "when you're thrown around in a death loop, I can't even count the many times and the many passing days I died."

"...That's rough buddy," I replied and continued working on my paperwork.

Once again, silence.

Just imagining that if I were still in Italy in the Jojo verse, the others would definitely freak out the fact Diavolo is still alive... And possibly attack him all at the same time right on sight.

Suddenly there was a knock on my door as both I and Diavolo perked up and looked at the door as it opens.

"Good day to you sir L/n, tea is ready," Xie Lian said as he rolled in a silver cart with a tea set and some snacks on it.

"Thank you, Xie Lian," I said to him as he nods his head with his usual calm smile before looking over to Diavolo as his smile fade.

He leaned close to my side and whispered to me in Chinese, a language I picked up in one of my free time studies. "Sir, you said that you picked him up from the streets yes? Is it really alright of you to have him here? He looks...erm... How to say without being offensive.."

"Retarded?" I replied to him, "Don't worry... He won't bite..." I looked over to Diavolo who was, so bored, playing with Alexa and pressing buttons to make beeping sounds. "At least I don't think so..."

Xie Lian only sighs and walked over to Diavolo to begin serving tea.

I was writing back on my paper as I hummed to myself. "Let's see... I should make a log for Diavolo's time being here..."

Later that night...

Xie Lian walked Diavolo down the hallway of the L/n residential manor to one of the guest rooms. "If you ever need any assistance, please feel free to ring the tiny bell in your room, I will be there in mere seconds."

"Preposterous, what are you? A stand user?" Diavolo scoffed, his pride still above his own morals... If he had one that is.

"Stand user? Ah, you must be referring to music stands? Or perhaps a phone stand?" Xie Lian replied as he opened the door of the guest room for Diavolo. "Either way, I am no of what you say... "A stand user".. have a lovely evening Mr. Diavolo. Remember, ring the bell if you ever need anything."

Diavolo examined the room as his eyes wandered around to the black curtains all the way to the maroon color-hued king-sized bed. "Did Y/n get all these things from the money I had before I was sent to a death loop... That son of a-"

"I heard you were talking shit about me?" I said behind him as he screeched bloody murder.

"WHAT THE FU-!!!!"


Giorno groaned as he had a pounding headache as he just finished with his work and taking a coffee break with Fugo and Prosciutto as they were discussing the latest and newest first iPhone. 

"Are you thinking of getting it?" Fugo asked Prosciutto as the other blonde hummed in response.

 "I don't know, seems kind of expensive.."

"Well, what do you expect from a new touch screen phone?" Fugo sighed and crossed his arms.

"To be fair, the phone Trish has right now is bigger than the new iPhone." Prosciutto said.

"But she got that from Y/.... ahem..." Fugo began but soon began to quiet down when he got near to saying your name. Both him and Pros soon looked a bit on the gloomy side, now that your name was brought up. In the years that passed, not a single member had forgotten about you and what you had done for them. "..H-Hey Giorno, you've been in thought lately, have you been overworking again?" Fugo asked Giorno, changing the topic up to lighten the mood.

"..Yea.." He replied as he silently sips his coffee.

"You sure? You seem quieter than usual," Prosciutto said, raising a brow and crossing his legs, "wanna tell us what it's about?"

After some time Giorno finally looked up at the two men before shaking his head and giving his signature genuine smile. "Oh, no. Not at all. Sorry to have worry you two." He replied as he looked at the menu, "right, about those new phones, burner phones are good for work, but we do need phones for our daily things too, its a good start on understanding how to work on it." 

Giorno went on talking and giving out his usual opinions on things, Prosciutto would listen and state his own facts in the conversation. Fugo would do the same, though, he seemed bothered that Giorno was seriously out of it since last week. Burning in the back of Fugo's mind, he knows Giorno well enough to know he was hiding something.. But, he also knows Giorno will share his problems at the right time with everyone...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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