monster Musume swap chapter one 2/4 English

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The movie plot Was about A race of female aliens only they wanting husband's so they would switch bodies with female humans because they wanted males so badly and they would secretly take the bodies of women and they would replace them''

they disguise themselves as humans

the female aliens were called gino's the gino's they were afraid that they would be rejected by humanity and earth' people as in general for how they look they had blue skin and they had six fingers on their hands and beautiful looks.

''they would take the female humans and put them in deep sleep or they would bargain with them for their bodies.

use some type of power to switch body with them

not all the gino's like the idea though some of them just didn't think it was right'

''the main character named jack figured out his wife was replaced''

but the plot twist of the movie was his wife gave her body away over 20 years age

so his sweet kind wife he thought was taken away never was taken away

''the movie had a good ending and too sappy ending''

'but for Centorea it was a terrifying concept and then she started having the nightmares

Most of the time the nightmares Would start the same Centorea would be going to the store with her Master he would go off to use the bathroom or something like that when she's just waiting they'll for him A beautiful woman with black hair and blue eyes.

She somewhat had a curvy body and goods look.

She had a black tank top and small blue shorts on she was wearing a pair of sandals.

would come up to her and start a conversation at some point in the conversation the woman would say is it difficult to be a Centaur Would you like to ever Switch bodies With someone like me if Centorea said yes

the black hair woman announced her name she said My name is Ashley.

after she finishes that sentence

Ashley that's good she would walk off''

Centorea was thinking that was strange when she got home with her Master''

''Someone was knocking at the door and she would answer it''

'it was a woman with A tan skin and the woman she had an amazing looks and short red hair and brown eyes.

'How can I help you Centorea would ask

Nothing so this is where I'll be living The woman would say '

'I think you may have the wrong house'' Centorea said

no, I have the right house the redhead would say

and then a flash of light would blind Centorea for a few moments''

and when she was able to open her eyes again

she saw her face staring back at her smiling nicely it was a calm smile.

and the redhead woman that owns Centorea body then would say thank you very much for the body I hope you love my former body I promise I'll take good care of this body and mine Master I hope you take care of your new body Now if you excuse me I have to make dinner for my master she then closes the door''

no no no he is my master, not yours open the door give me back my body Centorea said this shedding tears

and then she would wake up from the nightmare''

monster musume swap chapter oneWhere stories live. Discover now