Dating Derek Hale Would Include...

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- Meeting Derek when he was walking back from giving the inhaler to Scott

- Talking for a bit with him before Scott and stiles start to call you

- Derek actually smiling

- Him finding you cute

- Him smiling a little when he helps Scott and your there

- Being best friends with Scott and stiles since kinder-garden

- Seeing Derek wolf out for the first time

- And not being afraid

- Despite what his blue wolf eyes meant you think there as beautiful as his green eyes (and you tell him)

- Him asking you to go on a date after you save him and Scott from there encounter with crazy alpha Peter

- Stiles not liking the idea

- Learning all about what happened to his family

- Hearing stories from before the fire

- Peter finding you intriguing because your not afraid of him and you make Derek happy

- Being there when Derek slices Peters throat

- You and Derek being happy

- Once he starts building his pack you notice it changing him

- Calling him a dick for the way he treats Isaac

- (protecting Isaac because you and him have been friends since before his mom died)

- Hating the way Erica flirts with him

- Derek reassuring you that he doesn't feel anything towards her

- Helping Scott because Derek is being a cocky ass

- Derek not liking it and getting mad so you tell him why and leave and then he feels bad

- Being there when Scott agrees to help Derek but on his terms

- When helping them Derek keeps trying to get you to talk to him but you just look anywhere but him

- Stiles telling him that he's gonna have to make a big juster because him being a douche alpha made their connection very weak

- And he does do something big to get you back

- Being there with him, Peter, and Isaac when they find the alpha pack symbol on the Hale house door

- Helping them search for Erica and Boyd

- Deucalion targetting you to get to Derek

- Aiden and Ethan seeing why Derek likes you

- Being there for him when Cora's hurt

- Being with Derek when the Oni put the backward's 5 behind his ear, them doing the same to you

- Staying at the loft, he say's it's to protect you

- Him being pissed about Dany's party but saying one downfall to kicking the party out was not dancing or getting to paint you

- Him laughing when you tell him that after knowing there called Oni your still calling them ninja's

- Your parents being ok with you staying over at the loft

- Your parents know about the supernatural, and believing Derek can protect you better there any way (they approve)

- Stiles well void Stiles try's to come after you just as much as Lydia (because Stiles is really close to you just like Scott).

- Being at the hospital when the electrifying stuff happens

- Trying to run and save Isaac push him out of the way but Derek grabs you pulling you away from the water

- That night later at the loft Derek and you cuddle in bed he can tell your letting tears fall down your face

- Him trying to comfort you saying he's gonna heal, everything is going to be ok

- Derek not knowing how safe it is at the loft for you when

- Scott telling him it's probably the safest place for you

- Coming out of the school and seeing Aiden get stabbed

- Derek seeing you coming up behind him and seeing Aiden dieing

- You being close to both twins (after they became good) so him comforting you about it

- Being worried the whole time he's gone to Mexico

- Going with your pack/friends to Mexico to find him (and Kate)

- Watching over baby Derek

- Which is weird for you

- Him hitting on you

- When he gets back to normal you tease him about how little him was so cute, and how he hit on you

- Him getting back at you by teasing you ;)

- You not letting him feel bad about letting himself get fooled by Kate again ( he was turned back to when he thought he could trust her, not his fault)

- When his name unlock's the last part of the dead pool he confronts you

- Being scared when you find out because you don't want him to die

- Him assuring you he won't

- Derek being afraid that losing his werewolf abilities will let him lose you too

- You assuring him you love him no matter what

- Thinking he died and Argent and Parrish comforting you: only for you to turn around and seeing him, naked, standing over Kate and seeing a very scared Kate

- Telling him he is a very handsome wolf-human and actual wolf

- Going with him for summer break

- Skyping and visits

- (when he comes back to help (season 6) )

- Running up and hugging each other when Argent smiles and moves a little bringing Derek's into your view

- Burring your head into his shoulder when Stiles fibs about what happened and Derek corrects him

- Going with him when you all (the pack) go to find other wolf's and save them and help them not get killed by the hunters (Monroes hunters)

- Protective hugs

- Protecting you 24/7

- Staying with him and surprisingly always cuddling

- Derek hugging you from behind all the time

- Resting his chin on your head (cause he's taller)

- Him not caring that he's a couple years older than you 

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