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"I'm not coming!" Donghyuck screamed from inside his house. Mark looked confused, whose key was it? Was it his?

"You left your bag and house keys?" Mark confusedly knocked on the door. Suddenly food steps came downstairs and the door opened to a gorgeous hot beauty in shorts and a big ass t shirt.

"You?! Anyways thank you! I bruised a knee by breaking into my own house!" Donghyuck snatched the keys and his bag from Mark.

"Are you alright?" Mark stared at the boys scattered moles shamelessly and unconciously.

"Awwe you care now? No. Thanks to you I'm on the verge of dying. Get lost." Donghyuck hissed at the older as he waddled back inside after closing the door.

The next morning was gloomy and lazily, Donghyuck wore tight black jeans and a cropped t shirt. His belly button was able to be seen, Sungchan wouldn't let him go inside and he had to whine and act cute to let the younger leave him. Sungchan cupped his face and kissed his lips, making Donghyuck squeak but kiss the boy back.

"I love you hyung. Well I'll see you later I guess." Sungchan Whispered making the older boy pout. Donghyuck connected their lips again as they kissed a little longer and let go of each other. He waved at the giant, biting his lips maybe just maybe he was falling for..........A car parked right in front of the brunettes view and Mark got down.

"Falling for you." Donghyuck finished his line gulping at how good looking Mark was. Byeol carefully got down the car and bounced with glee at the teacher.

"Umm I'll be a few minutes late today. Don't start off about your philosophy, I have a meeting. If it gets late call me I'll try to arrange something." Mark mumbled, he had on black slacks, black shirt and his silver hair messy curls. He looked dreamy.

"Yeah okay. Irresponsible father." Donghyuck rolled his eyes. "Aren't you going to slam me? That's what you love doing right?" He sassed, Mark pulled him closer and slammed him on the car, their faces inches apart, one wrong move and their lips would kiss.

"Did you slam your wife always? Poor thing." Donghyuck deadpanned at the handsome older.

"Not really but slamming you is so much fun." Mark smirked, he was sober today and that adds up to his sexiness.

"Get lost. Schools about to start you idiot." Donghyuck pushed him away as he took Byeol to school.

Byeol ran after Donghyuck, all the children loved their pre school teacher so much. He was kind and lovable, not only did the children but many parents especially the single ones had an eye on the beauty. After school Byeol sat on his teachers lap as they waited for Mark to come pick them up.

"Byeol hungry Hyuckie." Byeol pouted looking down at his small stubby fingers.

"I'm sure your Daddy is coming to get you." Donghyuck kissed Byeol's brown bangs.

"Byeol go pee come? Hyuckie wait." Byeol ran off to the bathroom as a car zoomed by dangerously. The sky had started to turn dark and Donghyuck gasped when a drunk Mark got off.

"Mr Lee?! What has got into you?" Donghyuck took a step back. Byeol came back happily, his smile faded when he saw how his Daddy looked.

"Give me my son!" Mark stumbled, the younger held him with a sigh. He wanted to throw up at the stench of alcohol.

"Byeol go to the car." Donghyuck ordered the child as he dragged the drunk father to the car.

Mark was insanely heavy and Byeol innocently trotted behind the beauty. Grandma wasn't at home so Donghyuck decided to make his little student some food whilst his usless father slept on the couch. Byeol came down with pink shorts and a big teddy bear t-shirt, he had to learnt how to dress himself alone.

"Hyuckie make Byeollie dinner? Yay!!!" Byeol bounced around squealing. Donghyuck lifted him up onto the counter and smooched the small button nose.

"What does B for Byeol like?" Donghyuck asked smiling.

"Noodles? That packet one. Daddy never give Byeollie. He make, he eat." Byeol pouted as if his bear ears dropped.

"Let's eat it together while Daddy sleeps." Donghyuck whisper screamed as the two made ramen.

Byeol was fed by Donghyuck since he still didn't know how to use chopsticks, he was raised in Canada and by a usless busy father. The brunette giggled at Byeol quickly biting the end of the noodle before Donghyuck could. His small tiny teeth biting off like a little rabbit.

"Byeol win!!! Boo boo!! Hyuckie losty!" Byeol closed his mouth giggling , Donghyuck smiled staring at the bundle of joy bursting with happiness. Was it wrong to feel butterflies in your tummy for a four year old child? To want to protect him forever and keep him under his wing? To have the urge to shower love unconditionally for this boy who wasn't even his?

"Baby I need to go home now. I'll see you tomorrow?" Donghyuck washed the dishes and wiped them. Byeol pouted looking down.

"Hyuckie stay with Byeol here. Me will give Byeol bed. Byeol love Hyuckie." Byeol hugged Donghyucks thighs.

"I'm your teacher darling. I can't stay at home with Byeol. Daddy with get mad at me and kick me out." Donghyuck pouted back at Byeol who nodded with a sniff.

Just as Donghyuck tried to step out he was slammed on the wall by Mark. What was with Mark and walls? Did his wife die by getting slammed on the wall several times? Donghyuck pushed his glasses back his big orbs glistening under the darkness.

"Who gave you permission to give my son ramen. He's a kid!" Mark was still tipsy.

"At least I fed him that. You'll end up making your son a drunkard just like you. You are a usless irresponsible father!" Donghyuck gritted his teeth at Mark who slammed him on the wall again.

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