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"Mommy.......Mommy." Byeol patted Donghyucks cheeks to wake him up. The poor deaf boy woke up at the soft pat. Byeol squeezed his small dick with a pout.

"You want to pee?" Donghyuck giggled, the baby boy nodded. The mother carried him carefully with his drip bottle.

"Isn't the mother deaf?" A patient's mother mumbled to another.

"Yeah. And they say it's his step mother." The others whispered stated.

Byeol came giggling in Donghyucks arms, he then snuggled into the bed, he still wasn't entirely well, but his mother gave him so much energy. The brunette heard not a single sound, all he could hear is emptiness.

"I love you Mommy." Everyone heard Byeol squeal when the brunette peppered him with kisses. Knowing his mother didn't hear him he placed the big arm on his small chest.

"I love you too baby." Donghyuck giggled kissing his bangs.

"Who taught this?" A mother asked the child, when she saw him place his mother's arm on his heart.

"Me saw." Byeol blushed shyly, not used to talking to strangers.

Mark came by in the morning, everyone knew it was the rapper. Obviously he was that famous, first he smashed their lips together, kissing the hell out of the younger. Then the placed the stubby arm on his beating heart. Donghyuck smiled weakly reconnecting their lips.

"Here. Don't loose them. Also grandma will come by at lunch. I'm going to my parents house." Mark made his wife wear his hearing aids.

"W-Was it you Mom?" Donghyuck took the dresses and food from his husband's arms.

"Yeah. Don't worry about it though. I'll take care of it. Have you eaten? You look terrible." Mark caressed the Chubby cheek with the back of his arm.

"I'll be fine. Speak to him before you go. I'll go to the bathroom and be back. Hmm?" Donghyuck ruffled Marks hair then speed walked to the bathroom.

"Daddy!!" Byeol screamed happily the moment he woke up to his father.

"Hey baby. How are you feeling?" Mark scooped his son up.

"Body lotta pain. Lotta pee going. Mommy awaays wakey Cebause Byeollie. Daddy B for Byeol's Mama throw uppy lotta!" Byeol pouted feeling sad about his mother being in pain.

"Really? He's sick?" Mark frowned as Donghyuck came waddling, he pushed his glasses back with trembling arms. He barely could even breath the way he looked.

"Byeol's body is weak, so he'll stay for another day and you can take him home. I still suspect the step Mom." Taeyong had to come ruin the moment.

"This boy would never hurt that boy. Can't you see the love he has got this small boy? Are you blind or what?" A grandma who had stayed with her granddaughter looked at Taeyong disappointed.

Donghyuck looked very sick, yet his son was sick right now. That was more important than his health. Byeol  ate an apple as his mother made him wear his boxers. He couldn't believe Marks mother would go to the extend of poisoning a baby. Taeyong noticed the mother of the boy slowly fall sick by the hour.

"Get a blood test from him aswell." Taeyong pointed at the sweating brunette.

"Don't hurt Mommy!!!" Byeol hugged Donghyucks neck tightly as he can.

"Baby they just want to check Mommy if he's healthy. Someone gave you something bad to eat thata why my baby is sick." The brunette distracted his son whilst the nurse took blood from his arm.

Mark dashed the expensive vase on the wall, he was so mad at his parents that he wanted to kill them both. It was better to be in prison than let these people hurt his son. Mrs Lee rolled her eyes at the man aggressively shattering things.

"That servants child should die just like how his mother did! If you want your little wife boy then let Byeol go! Koeun was a fucking servant!" Mr Lee gruffly warned his son.

"Have you forgotten who mother was? Wasn't she Mama Irene's servant Dad? If Mom was a servant and is now living an extravagant life then why couldn't have Koeun?! Mom is a servant too, she trapped you and now she's controlling both our lives! I'm 26 for fucks sake, I can make my own decisions. If you try to hurt my baby one more time I'll sue both of you." Mark turned to leave, then faced his mother. "I loved her. I love my son whom she left behind for me, I love my wife right now so much, you won't understand but even if u told you this a hundred times. Leave me and my family alone." He snapped walking away with balled wrists and anger bubbling within him.

"Mark?" Donghyuck turned around as his husband crashed into his arms as he burst out crying, Byeol was asleep thankfully. The brunette had come down to the cafeteria to buy his son a tart.

"Baby what's wrong?" He whispered patting the soft hair of his husband.

"I hate my parents so much." Mark mumbled through hiccups. "How can they hurt Byeollie? He's an innocent baby with no clue in the world that his grandparents hate him." He balled his eyes out on his wife's chest.

"I'm sorry Mark. You don't deserve such parents, neither does Byeol deserve vile grandparents." The younger whispered as he guided him to Byeol's bed. "They haven't met this angel, hus heart is so big he could carry all of us in it. Your mother doesn't love anyone but herself." Donghyuck pushed the baby to a side as he made Mark lay down next to their son.

"Where will you sleep?" Mark mumbled, the younger sat on the chair and placed his head on his chest, Byeol climbed onto his Daddy's chest, he couldn't stop his little habit the moment he felt his Daddy next to me right?

"Sleep now. We'll go home tomorrow and sort things out. Also.........I need to tell you guys something important." Donghyuck pecked his boys foreheads fondly.

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