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Waking up next to your husband after a night filled with nothing but intense love and raw intimacy, it was beautiful to still have each others bodies pasted to one another. Donghyuck traced Marks feathers, they were finally one, they passed the most closest stage of their relationship. The older opened his eyes to the sun having the sun behind his back.

"Can I love you all morning too?" Mark pulled the younger back when he tried to leave. Donghyuck tilted his head not knowing what his husband said. So he was just slammed on the bed and his moans filled the morning mist and dew.

Byeol refused to wash until he saw his mother, Donghyuck and Mark had snuck inside from the back as they quickly showered and came down fresh as ever. Though the brunette had a terrible limp with a slight fever burning. Both the grandma's wiggled their eyebrows at the couple making the younger blush.

"Mommy lotta moshito bite! Byeollie kiss alla boo boo?" The innocent childs big beary orbs welled up with tears. Donghyuck cooed as he lifted the naught bundle up.

"Daddy kissed all Mommy's boo boo's. Why don't you kiss Mommy's cheeks?" Donghyuck whisper screamed at Byeol, now having his hearing aids on.

"Daddy good!!" Byeol smooched the chubby cheeks, his salivas leaving traces on the golden flushed cheeks.

"Byeol let Mommy eat. Daddy will wash you up! Okay?" Mark carried the baby from his wife.

"Mommy hungry? Byeol go with Daddy? Mommy pinky swear eat?" He lifted a tiny baby phat finger.

"Pinky swear. I'll eat okay baby?" Donghyuck smooched the cute button nose as father and son went upstairs talking about things no one understood.

"You love him so much don't you?" Grandma's sister chuckled at the brunette.

"He's my first love. Mark came later." Giggled Donghyuck eating quickly, he was so hungry after getting wasted by love last night.

"How sweet. Also call me Mama Irene." She smiled squeezing the sweetheart arm.

Byeol came running into Donghyuck's arms once he was clean and dressed with cute shorts and a t-shirt. Mark kissed the boys plump lips then went out to try and write some lyrics. Whilst the baby and his mother followed the grandmother's to pluck strawberries.

"Why are Marks parents so mean?" Donghyuck asked the grandmother's who shook their heads with a sigh.

"Honey.....Look here. This fruit is rotting and because of that the fruit next to it also starting to rot. Marks mother was my servant and I had gone to Seoul for a few months, to meet my girlfriend and all. Six months later when we were about to leave she said she was pregnant and it was Unni's son who got her pregnant. She staged her drama like he raped her but the truth was that he loved her. When they were married she started poisoning him and now he's poisoned. Pretty bad. Hopefully she doesn't hurt you or your children like she hurt Koeun and Byeol." Mama Irene sighed at the gorgeous make that had his body strewn with enormous hickeys.

"Mommy Byeollie wanna pee pee." Byeol held he small dick with a pout.

"Are you in a hurry baby?" Donghyuck giggled, his ass and back hurt so much that he couldn't even get up from the ground.

"A Wittle." Byeol danced cutely. Donghyuck cupped his Chubby cheeks them smooched his small plump lips.

"Waddly waddly to Daddy and give him the kiss Mommy gave you and ask him to take you pee. Okay? Mommy isn't feeling well baby." Donghyuck pouted and Byeol giggled waddling off to his Daddy who say on a higher elevation under a tree.

Mark's eyes grew wide when his son k
Smooched his lips out of the blues, he then giggled covering his mouth. His laughter so adorable it was heart warming.

"Mommy give kishh for Daddy. Byeollie wanna Pee pee." The baby started tearing up now. Mark carried his son as he turned to the direction of his wife, Donghyuck smiled shyly, he pointed at his own dick and gave a ear dropping expression.

"Fuck he's so cute I might eat him up." Mark mumbled taking Byeol to the house to pee.

Once a the strawberries were plucked they headed home, Mark has fallen asleep with Byeol on the couch. The younger cooed at them as he answered Marks phone that kept blaring.

"Hello?" He smiled but the smile faded when he heard a woman's voice on the other end.

"I wont let that servants child live a happy life. How dare you marry twice without my consent you ungrateful child!!!" Donghyuck cut the call as he ignored the woman and went on to help the two lovely ladies inside.

That night Donghyuck stared out the window of his bed, Mark back hugged his naked frame peppering soft kisses on his shoulder blade worried for the gorgeous boy, The brunette turned around as he kissed the olders hard bare chest.

"What's wrong Hyuckie?" Mark caressed his wife's loved body.

"I'm afraid.......What if she tries to hurt Byeollie? He's my baby boy. My everything." Donghyuck sniffled into the olders neck.

"She can't do anything baby. Because this time Byeollie's Mommy is with him. He's got his super mom to save the bundle from anything and everything." Mark kissed Donghyucks forehead.

"I need to tell you something important." Donghyuck whispered.

"You can't be pregnant because I just fucked you yesterday." Mark started chuckling when the brunette started slapping his chest with cute whines.

"My ears are damaged......I mean like they say I won't be able to get my hearing back." He pouted but his husband hugged him tight.

"Then I can talk about all the dirty things I want to do to you and you won't hear me." Mark teased the younger making him gasp at the older.

"What do you want to do to me?" Donghyuck pouted as Mark licked his earlobe.

"I want to fuck you." He Smirked huskily whispering.

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