Chapter 5

397 21 16

Kyle: Hi Kaytlinn

    I slid my finger on the dirty screen to the right and deleted the new kik messege.

    It's the last week of winter break and I can't wait to get back to school... surprisingly. With Bri visiting her pen pal in India for the next few months, I've officially been labeled a loner for this season. 

      "Karly, honey! Come here please!" 

      I slipped into our study to meet my mom at the Mac and found her checking an email. "Hey, hon! Come check this out; it's an email from your principal!" This better not be about the secret D- in chemistry.... Here is what the email read:

Mrs. Lewis,

      Good afternoon and I truly hope you are having a wonderful holiday. I would like to inform Karly and a few other Skytown Highschool students how lucky we are about introducing a new student that is transferring to our brilliant school. A young man from Yorkshire, England named Jared Scott will be settling in this Wednesday in the highschool and I would like to invite Karly and a few other students to join him in getting to know this massive, confusing area. I would suggest showing him around the school and perhaps afterward a small get together with friends at one one the student's houses? That may be best for Mr. Scott I would guess. I have met Mr. Scott and his family already and I thought getting together with other students in his grade might be even a bonus for his settling in. 

     Thank you so much for considering this opportunity, I would truly appreciate it if Karly would run this by. Have a good day, Mrs. Lewis.


     Principal Lewis Rollmott

England? Woa woa woa maybe he knows Ed Sheeran or, oh god, ONE DIRECTION?!!? Ha ha ha yeah don't judge,  just letting out my inner teenage spirit. Why would Mr. Rollmott choose me?  I'm not even that social.... I'm socially abused at school! I just had a rough history with relationships and drama. Doesn't Mr. Rollmott  know the rumors about how I'm after the mom of that guy I dated? I can't even say his name. Not that I am now a friendless teenager, but I am now going to be a more friendless teenager with meeting with this new guy and a bunch of bitches who don't even like me... or even talked to me! They most likely talked about me. I definately don't want to start my new year off feeling this way. I'm about to totally diss this to my mom when...

      "Oh, honey!!!! This is an ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS idea, don't you think? I already emailed your principal back, and even better, you can have the little party here! It will be so much fun, right baby? Oo I am so excited!" With that, I watched my mom wiggle out of the room. Embarrassed, confused, angry. Worries, anxiety, insecurity, furiousness.

      "What the hell, UUAAAGHHHH!!! Mom!" I raced through the house hunting down my mother. I tried to quickly think of a strong argument and excuse why I shouldn't be involved with this. What would I tell her? That the people at school think I've been having sex with a guy at school's mom? If the party would be held here, that would probably be the hot topic of the night, gossipping about Karly Mason in front of Karly Mason at a party at Karly Mason's house. I slid to a stop and clumsily rushed to my room upstairs in defeat. Ughh. Why did principal Rollmott choose me?!!? Was it random? Was it because he thought I needed to get some more friends? The over-feeling of crap made me collapse onto my bed.


Ben: Awwe babe, you're the perfect girlfriend(:

Me: Aw I love you Ben Lorenzo <3

Ben: Love you too babe! So how are you?(:

Me: Ugh not so good. But now I am since I'm talking to you(:

Ben: Well I'm even better now that I'm talking with you too(: But what's wrong? Are you okay?

Me: Yeah it's whatever...

Ben: Whatever? You can tell me sweetie, I don't want you hurting...

Me: No, it's all good. Don't worry about it. It's not even something I should be complaining about!

Ben: Are you sure? I know we've only been dating since last night, but you know you can tell me anything. I want you to know I won't judge you, I'll only be forever here to help and love you. Woa... I hope I'm not being too pushy(:

Me: Oh my god you're not being pushy at all... you're being just perfect. I'm so sure, please don't worry about me! I trust you with all my worries and I will definately come to you if I have any problems. Ben, you're such a best friend to me! (: I'm the same to you k? I'll be here whenever you need me.

Ben: Perfect? Haha you're so cute when you talk about yourself(; Well I'm sorry, but I'm here to worry about you and be your shoulder to rest on when you even have the littlest problem. I know that sounds totally cliche but honey, I mean it(; Gosh dammit Kate, you make me feel like singing

What the heck this guy is crazy.... But I got him singing! That's good right?

Me: Perfect? Hell nawwwwww I'm talking about you, boo!(; LOL yes, very cliche and very sweet. I make you feel like singing? Well um that's great babe, that's so great.

Ben: Hahaha. I'm singing for you babyyy!!!!

Me: Oh my gosh, freak!XD  LOL, so what's happening with you?

Ben: Talking to my weird, gorgeous girlfriend... And I'm about to eat some cereal 'cos I'm healthy like dat.

Me: Cereal is so healthy.

Ben: Healthy... healthy like you!!! Daaaayuuuum girl you got a nice bod der(; Haha just kidding, I wouldn't disrespect a women like that. I'm sorry. This is what cereal does to me. Kate, I'm so sorry I'm so rude! Hoooo I'm goin' a little crazy here.. gosh this is so embarrassing.

Ha ha wooa... calm down Ben, calm down. Please.

Me: Yeah Benny boy, calm down calm down...

Ben: I'm sorry. Yeah, that was really embarrassing I don't know why I said that.

Me: LOL it's all good you made me laugh anywaysXD

Ben: Hehe good... I don't need to look like a rude boyfriend over here.

Me: Oh please, you were high on cereal... everyone makes mistakes!

Ben: Yeah I guess so. I better eat responsibly then, huh?

Me: Yes sir! Don't add too much sugar! More trouble will be coming from you...(;

Ben: Yes ma'am!(:

Me: LOL you rock

Ben: You rock HARDER!

Me: Hahaha

Ben: Sorry, was that weird? :p

Me: LOL a little bit(;

Ben: Haha well embrace my weirdness then(:

Me: Oh goodness.. love you babe(;

Hi beautiful people(: So first of all, Happy New Year! I have a feeling this year will be amazing...(: This update is TOTALLY late. I really hope you guys had an amazayn holiday. I am so happy, I made so many friends from these stories! Thanks yous to all the awesome people who kiked me, you are so NICE i can't even.. PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE I wish you all a wonderful year.<3 Thank you for reading and voting! Pwease don't forget about me k? I'll be here! I wuv you! xx(:

kik me! pinkcandy18

comment anything about HAYLOR cos it's all my sister and I have been arguing about... KIM AND KANYE ARE BABY PARENTS :P


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2013 ⏰

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