Chapter 4

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    I felt drunk as my saliva felt like whine down my throught... even though the only whine I've ever tasted was at church. Thick, warm, fizzy, and heavy liquid was hard to swallow as my head started to pound. Maybe I just needed to rest. Bing!!

Ben: You for sure have a boyfriend right? I mean you're really funny and pretty...

   Then it was like a wave that drowned the heavy feeling of random strange depression and tireness out of my soul. I felt like myself... a normal teenage girl. He thought I was pretty?  But that wasn't me in that profile picture... oh well, it still gave me butterflies.

Me: Really? That's really nice of you to say(: You're really sweet, cute, and funny too!  And I don't have a boyfriend

Ben: I'm just saying the truth(: And thanks so much(: That's impossible! Any guy would be lucky to be your man.

    Well not really... not when they're dating someone that is not who they think they are...

I want to keep this convo friendly... Karly, you don't need to ruin this relationship like you did with your last one.

Me: Oh *blush blush* !

Ben: Hahaha:D  do you have a kik?

      I pause and begin to wonder. Do I want to do this? Kik. Friendly. Cute. Funny. Boy.

Me: Yea sure, mine is klove309

Ben: Awesome, I'll messege you


Ben: Hey

Me: Hi

Ben: Kate right?

Me: Yuppy puppy! Lol, Ben?

Ben: Diddy Kitty! Haha

Me: Hahaha soo.. what you up to?

Ben: Watching tv, hbu?

Me: Same, woa woa woa... we're twins!!! Lol

Ben: Woa woa hold the phone! Haha

Me: Lol coolio

Ben: Haha yeppp.:D  So Kate

Me: So Ben

Ben: Don't think me as a stalker or whatevers lol, but tell me about yourself

     Okay hmm.. where should I go with this...

Me: I like pizza..

    No, no, no... I hit Backspace and type again.

Me: I live in Australia

    What the heck... I need to do something that I know about. Something that I can relate to. Something that if he asks about it, I'll know what to say. So I do what I know best; I'll decribe me, Karly.

Me: I play violin and I'm in theatre... I know I'm a dork but I love it:p I like to run but I don't play any sports 'cos I get injured all the time. Lol yea I know, I'm awful haha. My parents are divorced, I'm 16, and I live in Illinois.

      I read it over at least 3 times; I don't know why though. It's me! And I'm not perfect but I gotta at least be honest with something.  I start thinking and maybe... this sounds really stupid. I was going to delete it and write something else but I guess my fingers have minds of its own.

Me: Oops, I wasn't supposed to send that.

Ben: It's all good, I don't judge. And it sounds like you're cooler than I thought you were.(:

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