Chapter 2

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'The Cafe is fully downloaded'

       I hesitated before I tapped on the round, blue square on the blurry screen. I looked around me to make sure it was only me in the family room and then decided to rush up the confusing stairs which were also hard to see. I stumbled and managed to dive onto my bed, under the private covers. It took me a moment for me to realize I was crying.. what for? I took a deep breathe and felt an old sensation as I typed in Kaytlinn Layla once again for the profile and inserted a picture of a tumblr girl in the self photo. What I was doing that Friday night was the beginning of an addiction I know I can't handle. I'm taking this anyway.

    I poked at the 'teens' chat room with my shivering, wet finger.

Me: hi

  (a second after)

'1 MESSAGE IN YOUR INBOX'  surprised me at the bottom of the screen. My eyes followed my finger tapping on that so quickly, I didn't have time to think about it.

Donnieb0y17: Hey sexy(;

   Ugh, I knew it, what was I doing here? I don't have respect for this kind of people. Whatever, this is disgusting me.

HeatherLi33: Wasup, cutie?(;

   What?? Heather, I am not.. I'm not into you the way I think you are into me. I gagged and then giggled. Heather Li, you're actually really pretty....  And what is this feeling? I'm getting.. horny?  Oh GOD Karly! I beat myself in my bed making it squeak. After an hour of five minutes, I was panting, sweating, and felt gross and disapointed with myself. I do not want to do this anymore, I'm just 14, I already got caught by my father.

   And I did quit. After that whole scene of just teenage girl, I deleted The Cafe and even my Kik. Then I gave my iPhone to my mom and traded it for her old flip Sprint cell. That is what I would have done. But then I had the thing with that guy.

  THANK YOU to every reader and fan and I'm just so happy with you!!!!!!!!! MY FELLOW DIRECTIONERS OUT THERE.. WHO ELSE IS LOVING THIS AMAZAYN ALBUM??!!?? Hehe(: I feel really bad I ditched my little cousin to write this... I'll just say I was doing homework or something. AND SHE EVEN BRANG ME SOME CANDY FROM HER BIRTHDAY PARTY... THAT I DIDN'T COME TO!!! Oy, I feel really guilty I just realized all this Imma call her after this. But lastly shoutout to @XxForgetMyHeartxX - she is SO VERY nice and she even DEDICATED a story to me!!!!!!!! She's a cool girl, please fan her? <3 Thanks again I love you all(:

With That Guy 'A Kik Romance' Book 2Where stories live. Discover now