5¦ Pink

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|L A N C E|

Now that I reminisced that memory again, no wonder Keith didn't seem to recognize me at first! I had been wearing my facemask on! And with only a bathrobe!

Well it's not a big deal. Keith didn't really made a comment on it that much. But he did said something about my blue lion slippers!

I shook my head to suppress the thoughts. Future Lance can deal with it more later. Right now, present Lance is feeling really, really sleepy. I look to Keith and saw him still stuck in the same sleeping position. There was enough space for me on the sleeping bag on his other side. Now my thoughts were debating if I should or if I should not proceed. I want to respect Keith's personal space but there is no way I am gonna use a rock for a pillow or am I gonna sleep on the dirt ground. So I crawled myself to his side and slowly layed down beside him. Carefully doing so, don't want to wake him up now and freak out over our close proximity. Keith can freak out later in the morning. I'm tired and yes maybe I should wake him to take next watch but really there's no danger anywhere. And he needs to sleep.

So now I lay on my back, my eyes still open as I count the stars to lull me to sleep. Suddenly Keith, whose back was faced to me, turned to my side to face me. I tensed up, freezing any movements fearing he might have been stirred awake by my presence beside him. He was still asleep just turning to a different side. But one arm of his draped over me and pulled me in for a cuddle.

I was in major freak out mode yet like at the same time a huge swell of gushy mushy something was all over my chest. My quiznacking heart was having a heart attack!

I could feel Keith's breathing on my neck. Another mental debate was going in my head if I should pry him off me or just let him be. The vibrations and warmth his body was sending to me allowed the sleep to come back to me. I just then put an arm over him and let him be. A contented sigh escapes him and that was the last thing I put into my thoughts before closing my eyes to sleep as well.


As I expected a high pitched shriek along with a very forceful hand slammed me in the face, forcing any remnants of sleep out of me.

"Lance!? What the–" Keith began.

"Shhh! It's too early Mullet. Couldn't you just have said a 'Good morning,' or whatever..." I yawned, stretched and rubbed on the side he hit me.

Keith had scampered away from me and the sleeping bag. His seated form was now near the dead camp fire. Its embers glowed in fading light and small smoke still floated out. I can now see well again, my head turned to look at the morning sky. A bright blue color greeted me with pinkish clouds. Of course, they're pink and not white.

Now that it was bright again, our surroundings was easier to see again. Blue still layed on her side unresponsive as ever. Smashed trees and rocks, an extinguished fire and a still freaking out Keith. Though he was rubbing his head now rather than looking at me with wide accusing eyes. A small hint trace of pink was on his cheeks. But what really caught my eyes was something red on his forehead.

"Did...did you hit your head?" I asked, knowing what that red color is already.

Keith looked at me in the eyes. He looked ready to come up with a lie or excuse but simply decided on neither of the two.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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