Your Beginning

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[If you came for the smut it's not in this chapter. This one is just setting up the beginning of the story, if there are other chapter's available you may want to skip ahead if you're looking for the naughty bits. Otherwise try not to roast me, this is my first Star Wars fanfic and I'm not super well versed in the exact canon. I will try to make it as accurate as I can but no promises. Please comment and let me know what you think! Thank you for reading!] [(f/n) is first name and (l/n) is last name]

You're a young padawan assigned to Shaak Ti, a respectable and compassionate jedi master. Often times you were both at the Kamino helping aid the training of new clone cadets. The Kaminoans only saw the clones as tools and soldiers to be used then thrown away, however Shaak Ti saw them as living breathing humans. You also adopted this compassion for the clones and often times got into mischief with some of the younger ones. Sometimes this led into trouble and Shaak Ti would have to separate you from the clones reminding you you're on official business and not here to have fun. Although deep down you felt she wasn't as mad as she appeared to be, often being soft on you. After several years of being stationed on Kamino and growing into a young adult you have an itch to finally use your skills you've been training for.

"Master, when will I get to use my lightsaber in battle. I've been training all my life, but all I get to see is the inside of this cold building and the same clones day in and day out," you whine while Shaak Ti is concentrating on a computer screen. "Hopefully never, if you're lucky. Remember we're peacekeepers and not soldiers my child," she replies not even glancing in your direction. "I know master, but even the young clones get a glimpse of the battles. And before you say it, I know I'm not a clone, but we are on the same side and I feel like I should at least know what I'm in for before heading out to battle." Shaak Ti pauses what she's doing and turns around to face you, pain clearly on her face. She sighs before replying "I am aware young padawan and unfortunately I'm sure you'll see battle before you're even prepared, but why do you want to rush it?" "Honestly master, I just want to see the rest of the universe, being stuck on Kamino is not what I had in mind for the rest of my life." 

Almost as if on cue a transmission for Shaak Ti comes through, it's Anakin Skywalker. "Good afternoon master Shaak Ti and padawan (f/n) (l/n). I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Shaak Ti replies "not at all Master Skywalker, and what do I owe the pleasure to?" "Unfortunately it's not good news. Separatist forces are invading the near the Hoth system at an alarming rate. We're not sure why yet, but we need to drive them out before we can investigate safely. So we need you and you're padawan to assist in battle to drive their forces out. Ahsoka and I will also assist you along with the 501st Legion. We will meet at the Jedi temple and depart from there shortly after everyone gets debriefed" Skywalker states with a deadpan expression. "Very well we will depart immediately," Shaak Ti replies with a stern face and then the transmission ends. 

You look at Shaak Ti smugly and say"looks like I'll finally get to battle anyway." Your master still looking at you sternly says "you know nothing of battle and even if I had prepared you more, you still would not be ready. Battle is an ugly disgusting thing and nothing I do will ever prepare you for that. Please take this seriously and follow orders, for if you do not you will pay with your life or worse someone else's." Your master then gets up and heads to her room and you watch her, thinking about what she had said.

After contemplating for a moment you get up and head to your room to pack only the essentials, after all you did have to depart immediately. You pack light, but you also included winter gear since you read that Hoth was a cold planet and wanted to be prepared in case you ended up on the deserted planet. Once finished you head to the hanger bay to depart with your master, waving goodbye to the clones you had helped train and became friends with. You knew though you'd be back, or at least you hoped you would be. 

Shaak Ti was standing in front of a small ship beckoning you to hurry. Although you noticed she still had a sullen look on her face and you could only assume it's because she never wanted you to end up in battle. 

Shaak Ti, although a wonderful master, definitely had some attachment to you despite the fact she would never admit it, but you had also had attachment for her for guiding you. She was basically your mother in a sense and I'm sure no mother wants their child to ever end up in battle. But this was inevitable.

Your master turns and boards the ship with you in toe. She sits in the cockpit and you sit in the co-pilot seat. You both start flipping the switches to start the ship and then Shaak Ti guides the ship out of the bay. You then take to hyperspace and head to the meet up point at the Jedi temple.

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