♢ Chapter 2 ♢

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Somebody's Watching Me
By Rockwell

All I want is to be left alone in my average home

But why do I always feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone and

I always feel like somebody's watching me

And I have no privacy


     Whether I'm able to forget about them or not, I'm still going to have to go about my day.

     I fumbled in my pockets, trying to find the key. I fished it out, and inserted it into the keyhole. I unlocked the door and went in.

     "Dad! I'm home!" I called out to my dad to let him know I was home. I saw his head poke out from the kitchen door. He smiled at me, and came out from the kitchen, with a cup in his hand.

     "Hey, Princess!" He greeted me with a big smile on his face. I put my bag down and smiled back.

     "How was school? Here's your cup of tea." He gave me the cup he was holding. I peered in the cup, the whiff of tea filling my nose.

     "Thanks Dad." I thanked him for it. "School was fine." I said with a smile.

      Satisfied with my answer, he went back into the kitchen. I went into the living room, to sit on the couch.

     I love my dad, so much. He's my everything. My mom, my brother, my best friend. I never really needed a mom. But I do wish she was still here. Not for me, but for dad. He really does miss her. She died when I was born. At childbirth.

     I looked up to the picture of her and dad on the shelf. She was in a white dress. Dad always told me I had her genes. I kinda see it. My face kinda looks like her, I even have her bright blue eyes. I have dad's dark brown hair though. Dad always told me my actions reminded me of her. She intrigues me.

     I heard a little meow at my feet. I looked down to a little brown kitten.

     "Mocha!" She meowed again. I put my half drank tea on the table in front of me and picked her up. She curled up on my lap and fell asleep.

     She's a very sleepy kitten. Sleeps a lot.

     I stroked her dark brown fur. She had the same fur color as my hair. I like that. Mocha's the kitten I'm going to draw for my art project.

     "Hey, Mocha" I whispered into her fur. "I'm going to draw you for my art project. You don't mind do you? I know you can't sit still for two minutes. So, I'll draw you when you're asleep. Okay?" 

     She kept silent. Well no shit Sherlock. She's asleep. I picked my tea cup back up from the table, and finished it off.

     Dad came back after a while to take my cup back. He asked me if I didn't have any homework to do.

     "You're still here. Do you not have any homework to be doing?"

     "Nah, we're finishing school up in a bit, so the teachers are being generous. Well, most of them. Some of them are giving us homework to do over the summer. Only for geography, math and art though." I explained to him.

     "Ah, that's good, isn't it?"

     "Yeah, I guess."

     "Oh! Yeah, I have the pizza I promised I'd get you after your exams. I know it's like, a week late but." He said enthusiastically. He's a man of energy and enthusiasm he is.

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