♢ Chapter 1 ♢

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Friendly Neighborhood Poltergeist
By Rory Webly

I've been spelling my name in your lego bricks

I don't know how to be more obvious

You're close enough to almost touch but not close enough to hold


      If you asked me, 'what sort of main character do you think you'd be', I would've told you the same thing. I couldn't be a main character. There was nothing abnormal about my life.


     I'm just a normal high school girl. That's all I am. 

     Ms. Sullivan's lips were moving. She was babbling about something. I can't hear a word she's saying. Not that I want to either. She's probably ranting about our art projects. Idea's of what we could do. It was due for after summer, but we had to 'start with ideas and plan out' and shit today.  

     I didn't need to listen. I knew what I was going to draw. The theme was 'Something that brings a smile to my face no matter what'. I was going to draw my kitten. Simple, right? I don't understand why we have to plan so much.                  

     I had air pods in, that my Dad got me for my fourteenth birthday, listening to music instead. I could cover the small air pods with my long dark hair. I hid behind my book, slightly bopping my head to the music. Didn't last too long.

     "Valerie Meadow, are you listening to a word I'm saying?" I hear Ms. Sullivan calling out to me. 

     The music wasn't too loud, so I heard her. I subtly bring my hands to my ears and take out my air pods, making it look like I was pushing my hair out of my face. 

     "Yes, miss," I reply nonchalantly. I held my breath, hoping I hadn't been caught.

     She squints her eyes suspiciously. "Alright, I really hope so. This is important stuff you know!" She turns around, continuing to expand from the spider diagram she drew on the white board. I give out a sigh of relief. Thank god she didn't ask me what the last thing she said was or something. 

     I subtly put an air pod back in my ear, and continue to listen to music over Ms. Sullivan. I had plenty of time to 'plan' during the summer anyway, if I wanted to change what I was doing. 

     I wasn't doing anything for the summer.


     "Oh my god, history is so boring." I was silently eating my lunch, while listening to my best friend Natalie complain about history. Anyone else would have probably gotten sick of her ranting, but I've known her for so long, I've gotten used to it. 

      "Seriously! The amount of doodles on my history notes. Too many." She turned to face me. Well she did, but now she was staring off at something behind me. Or someone. I turned around to see the person she was looking at. Beautiful person if I say so myself.

      Jayden Carlon.

      You know one of those cliche boys in those books every girl has an eye for? Jayden's the perfect real example. Literally all the girls have a crush on him. 

     I'm no exception.

     I felt a pair of hands grab my shoulders. I let out a yelp of surprise, startled by the sudden weight on my shoulders. 

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