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Psychotic laughter played like a broken recorder along the halls as the bunny cries for help, it tried to cover it's visions with it's ears whlist shaking uncontrollably.


"F!CK" The ghost screams in agony, electric shock ran up from her right hip through her back. She falls to her side with the scythe hammering beside the Bunnies body- with only an inch distance- whipping her head behind her to see on who electrocuted her.

The shaking bunny creature, peeked through their big ass ears to see who saved them but all they saw was smoke and it filled the hallway, the ghost started to cough from the smoke while the bunny went back to covering their site.

As the smoke of the electric shock started to clear up, a blonde male with crystal blue orbs reveals himself, he stood strong and he seemed to be huffing from the thing that he did.

He had a menacing glare but a baby face- "Wanderer." He mutters in threatening tone pointing his umbrella staff towards the girl.

Y/n kept her hand non-dominant hand on her hip, she hissed but stayed strong, sure she was getting weak from the shock but so did the male. she glares back, locking eyes with his blue eyes and her e/c-orbs.

"An exorcist."

The blonde held his umbrella-like-staff, knowing that his palms still hurt from the shock he did, he re-did a his position and hissed from the pain.

Keeping eye contact with Wanderer whilst looking at the Mokke seeing his poor-traumatized look on it's face, he frowned a litte but kept a straightface.

The Ghost notice the slight wince he made when the blonde re-did his position of his staff-umbrella.

She smirks, mustering up a small plan- before, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" as if a knife was stabbed on to the side of her head. She screams bloody murder. Using her dominant hand that was holding her up grabbing a fits full of her hair.

The exorcist stood there in shock from the scene before him. HIS PLAN WORKED!!

He exicitedly went over to the ghost with the Mokke running towards him and jumping into his arms. His weapon dropped trying to catch the Traumatized thing, he bent down an picked them back up.

The female continues to have strong headaches and ringing in her ears, she felt like her ears could bleed dispite being dead with no blood. Just soul.

She felt the Aura of the Male, He gave off a headstrong exorcist never-give-up type of Aura, and how did he even know that she there! She was certain that she was invisible and there were no exorcist like Aura around! But then she thought back to when she entered the school.


A dark figure looms over the weakend ghost, he glared at her one more time, pointing the umbrella staff ever-so-close to her face before spitting out vemon "Why are you here." that question sounded more a demand.

She stays silent, small electric shocks still traveled through her body, he looks down at her patheticly.

Well, he shouldn't. Since she could have just easily killed him right there but the headache and voice kept her from doing so.

'he's still young.' Since when was that a f!cking reason to not kill. Oh yeah...


She shys away, turning her head from the blonde, to which he tch'ed at.
blondie bents down to find the sticker-like-thing. But he couldn't find any. Duh.

So he decided to go for the scythe which was beside the fallen female, but he before he could get ahold of it it vanished into thin air, blondie silently cursed.

"I'm taking you to Hanako-kun."

Her eyes dilated.

Hanako-kun? Does he mean Hanako-san? The bathroom ghost. her lips turned into a thin line but before she could say anything the exorcist picked her up by the collar heading to the direction of the 3rd stall bathroom.


A pair of Green with yellow fleeks eyes glaze over the scene that just happened, of course she didn't interfere with the choas that just happened she just simply observed it from inside the classroom.

The Greenette was pleasantly suprised of how quick the male took her down with only one spell. but, he did look very no Extremely drained.

She shrugs, making her way out of the empty classroom, now heading towards the broadcasting club now ready to report her findings on the "wanderer".


It was really like a game of tug of war, since the ghost girl was stronger than the male, she almost escaped from his grasp until he pulled her short/long hair instead.

The pain from the hair pulling really made her just submit and followed him like a stupid lost child.

Once they arrived at the bathroom, no one was inside. But something was off. She felt Hanako's Aura.

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