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➤ OH NO, F!CK.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ AS THE FEMALE, ran around the school, opening doors, checking windows, going through classrooms she managed to stay composted, constantly remind herself of the reason why she's here. The daikon girl.

Though one student almost caught her off guard since they looked like her victim.. A pang of guilt punched them hard in the guts when she saw them. It would have been three years since she's killed a human, but no, she decided to end this young child in the park for accidentally waking her up.

She still remembered the horror in their eyes as she sliced him open, a feeling of weird satisfaction mixed with guilt filled her non-existant heart.

The ghost cluched her fists through her long sleeves, trying to erase the memory, the sin she committed once again, the broken promise she made to herself, she almost broke into tears-

She snaps herself out of it, making her way through the coridoors of the school, she was just walking through students, not caring if they felt her Aura and having them randomly shiver, this kinda made her calm since it was scarying the Kamone high students.

After rummaging for the third time. checking the classrooms of the first, second AND third floor of the school. She just couldn't find the Daikon. To be fair, the school was really huge and there were many students, which lead the ghost to ultimately give up.

Sulking, with her head hanging low, she walks up the stairs trying to make her way to the school balcony before she heard a little noise like the one you make when you squeeze a rubber duck.

And then she heard something..


The ghost stopped in her tracks. Her eyes tries to find the squeaky hello noise, looking from left to right before getting in a battle stance.

"Down here!"

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, her eyes darted down to the source of the voice but what she saw was..

A pink bunny?

"HI!" The small bunny-like creature jumps happily that it got noticed.

Her mind tried to adjust to what she saw, what the f!ck is this. As she stared as it more the more it jumped, though it doesn't have a mouth she knew it was smiling and..

Her orbs turn into a bloody color of red.

oh no- please STOP!

"Hello?" The creatures ears flopped down, it had a scared confused look on it's face.


The bunny got more confused.


The female's head hurt as if someone shot
her through the head, this feeling again, she hated it.

"No" It spoke.

With no longer in control, her Aura radiates as if it was smoke boom, Y/n stared at the bunny with hunger and mouthed 'run' then summoning her scythe twirling it around.

The creatures sweatdropped, now backing away sensing danger- turning around before running away as fast as it can.

The ghost laughs that the stupid attempt of the bunny creature running, her laugh sounded so demonic.

The creature cartoonishly closed it's eyes and tried to cover it's ears to cancel out the maniacal laughter.

The ghost swigs her scythe around making small twrils before jumping off her feet to attack, of course she'll purposefully miss, at first. Where's the fun if the victim dies so quickly?

She slashed down beside the running creature, it sqeaked, jolting up abit, before regaining it's speed, turning to right using it's basiclly non-existent feet to run or jumping run?

Tears started to form out of the corners of it's eye, now crying out for help. But to the bunnies misfortune, no one can see them aside for some special people.

"run all you want little bunny." She taunts, slowly creeping up- it was quiet entertaining to see this small pathetic creature run.

it makes another turn- to the right trying to find it's fellow creatures or someone!

But lady luck decided to be cruel again.

And the bunny reached a dead end.

It cries, shaking while making high pitched squeaks with tears running down it's face(?) The ghost walking towards it zombie-like, the scythe behind her back with her head hanging low a small creepy smile can only be seen on her face- with a black shadow cast over her head for dramatic effect and as she got closer- and closer- the louder the bunny cries.

with no where to run. It accepted it's fate.

"Eheh..." The Ghost reveals her face once again to the bunny, laughing like a psycho before raising her scythe.


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