Chapter 6: The Assassin of The Mist!

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In the thick fog you could see seven figures on a boat. This was Team 7 and Tazuna taking a ride across the sea. It was quiet and everybody was on edge because they could see anything in the mist.

Sakura: This fogs so thick, you can't see anything.

Naruto who was in the front of the boat sniffed the air to get a scent of what was in front of them. The guy who was driving the boat spoke up.

Boat driver: The bridge isn't far now. Our destinations just ahead, The Land of Waves.

Y/n squinted his eye to the front of the boat to get a better look at what was in front of them. All of team 7 looked up and seen a bridge standing tall in the fog. They all seen structures and cranes holding metal. Y/n was amazed and smiled widely.

Naruto: Whoa! It's huge!

The boat driver suddenly got nervous and sweated profusely.

Boat driver: What? Quiet! I told you, no noise! Why do you think we're traveling like this, huh? Cutting off the engine and rowing, moving through the dense fog so they don't see us.

Y/n: Who's they?

Kakashi turned to Tazuna with a narrowed eye.

Kakashi: Mr. Tazuna... before we reach the pier, I want to ask you something.

Y/n looked over to the both of them listening in to the conversation.

Kakashi: The men who are after you, I need to know why. If you don't tell us, I'm afraid I'll have to end this mission when we drop you ashore.

Tazuna grunted in acknowledgment, Y/n sweat dropped at what Kakashi said.

Y/n: Did he just smoothly blackmail Tazuna? Kakashi-Sensei is a pretty weird guy.

Y/n: Did he just smoothly blackmail Tazuna? Kakashi-Sensei is a pretty weird guy

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Chapter 6: The Assassin of the Mist!

All of Team 7 was now sitting around Tazuna awaiting his explanation of why ninja were after him. Tazuna inhaled and exhaled then he looked up at team 7.

Tazuna: I have no choice but to tell you. No, I want you to know the truth.

Y/n was getting ready to listen getting his journal out and right it down. He uses this journal to right down important information for later purposes. It comes in handy when it needs to. Tazuna continued.

Tazuna: Like you said, this is beyond the scope of the original mission. The one who seeks my life is a very short man who casts a very long and deadly shadow.

Kakashi: A deadly shadow?

Tazuna nodded his head, Kakashi thought about who he could be talking about.

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