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Honesty POV

I woke up about one and ready for the day, once I get out of the shower I hear a door slam followed by a loud sob. I run to Nae's room and bust the her door open

"Nae? Whats wrong with you? Did he hit you? GG bought me a taser and mace. I'll get him for you. Where he at?"

She looked at me and ran into my arms and sobbed

"Etsy I'm pregnant!!" she sobbed in my arms

Shocked is an understatement of the century right now. I hug her and we  go to her bed and lay down.

"I told him and he he he said we not ready for no damn kids and walked out the door" She sobbed 

"He's an asshole who doesn't deserve you or the baby. OK? You don't need him. You got me, Ya parents, GG. You will forever be straight and if you want me to ill rod wave hiss ass and drive him to the beach. Or I can drop his ass like Dababy you choose " I said trying to cheer her up

She laughed "who are you and what did you do with my sensitive cry baby ass cousin"

we both laughed "Only about you"

We both laid there and watched movies until we fell asleep again

3 days Later

It's been 3 days and Lucci still hasn't came back. So I've been staying with Nae. she is really sad and I don't know how to help her. I am practically forcing her to take care of herself and I'm kind of tired of it

"Nae you need to get up. It's been three days  and its time to get up and get moving. That's on him if he don't come back but for the sake of our sanity and the health of your baby you need to get up. It's time to get over him"

When she turned over and looked at me. She looked so hurt and angry at the world

"Don't tell me what to do. You don't know  what love is. You had one boyfriend who you let cheat and beat on you  constantly and if he called you right now you would take back so don't tell me when its time for me to get up and move on."

It's not the first time she lashed out on me in the last three days

"Nae i didn't even mean it like tha-"

"Just get out of my house"

I sigh and walk out to her car.it's not like she will be going anywhere. I try to call Lukas and leave another voicemail before i get in the car and just cry. I know she didn't mean what she said. She's just hurt. But it does hurt.

Lukas point of view

It's been a stressful three days

He just found out that Nae is pregnant with his child, and has been freaking out because neither one of them know one thing about being responsible for another life. Also he just lost his big brother Zay in a shoot out at the club that Lucci owns a couple months back and instead of mourning and being with his family he threw his self deeper into the streets. When Zay found about how he handled the situation with Reginae, he beat his ass. On top of that they found out that Zay had a baby on the way. With the due date of the baby getting closer the mother been acting strange causing his mother to keep calling them worrying about her.

One new voicemail from lil cuz💀

"Hey LuLu its umm.... Honesty. Look you need to make you way back home. Umm she really needs you right now, and I don't think you need me to sit here and tell you  that. I ummm i ummm don't know what to do anymore. I made her an appointment for today at 4 o'clock i will text you the details once i get back.So yeah bye" she cried

I sigh. And get up. It's time for me to go back home.

"Aye bruh i think I'm bout to go back home to my girl man"

Ken closed the the fridge and looked at me like i was crazy

"You think?!?! You my nigga and all but it is most definitely time for you go home now."

"Damn bruh its like that " I laugh

I get ready and head out.

Once i pull up and go into the house. It's so quiet. I run up the stairs and seen Nae in the bed

"Nae, Babe?"

She turned and looked as if she seen a ghost "Lukas"

She got up and ran and jumped into my arms and cried

I sigh "Wassup Mamas"

I felt so bad as i held her and tried to calm her down

"Shhhhh I am so sorry mamas"

Once she finally calmed down and we talked it out we were ok and we began getting ready for her appointment

"And oh my god. Honesty was the best!" She laughed but then her face went sad and she sighed
"Babe i was so mean to her and she was just trying to help me"

"Oh trust me I know. Her ass called me crying" I laugh, but the look she gave me I knew it was too soon for that

"Honesty loves you. She will forgive you. Probably as soon as she sees you"

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