Friends, Shopping, and Excitement!!!

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*Next Day  (When I find out the genders)*

Ashely Pov (Next Chapter it will probably be Simon's Pov, you guys might be bored already with Ashely's Pov =P)

  I woke up at 5:30am and was full with joy because today is the day that I find out what my two little angles are! I got up and made my bed and headed down stairs to make me some breakfast. I made myself some pancakes with eggs to the side and a smoothie for my drink. Once I finished with my breakfast I put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, then I headed up stairs and went to go get ready, I got in the shower and shaved and stuff =P. After I got out of the shower I put my undergarments on and put on some black skinny jeans with a GTA 5 shirt as my top and then put a grey sweater to finish it off. For shoes I just put my converse on. For makeup I kept it some what naturally because I might cry when I know the genders. For my hair I decided to curl it. Finally its about to be 7:00am so I decided to text Dani and see if she could still come with me to go shopping.

Ashely: Hey Dani, you still coming with me to go shopping? :)

Dani: You know it, can you pick me up? Or do we meet over there. ??

Ashely: I could pick you up if you want :)

Dani: Hey Alex said if she could come with us, can sheeee !???!?!?

Ashely: Of course ! I miss her. Where do I pick up guys up at.?? ;P

Dani: Umm,, is it possible to pick us up at the sidemen's house??

Ashely: Ya I could, ill just text you when I'm outside the house. :)

Dani: Okay see ya then loves you ♡♡♡ Alex loves you too ♡♡♡

Ashely: Love you guys tooo ♡♡♡♡♡

       It's gonna be 7:20 soon, soo I got up and got my bag and headed to my car to drive to the doctors.

*In the car*

     While I was driving I was listening to the radio and one of my favorite songs came one 'Everything Has Changed' by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran. I sang along with the song till I got to the doctors.

*At the Doctors*

          "Please put your shirt up so I could put this gel on you stomach" The nurse told me. I did what she asked, and she then put gel on my belly. She then grab the machine remote and started moving it on my belly. Before she tells me the genders she put the remote on top of 'Baby A's heartbeat', I hear it and I started to cry, she then puts it on 'Baby B's heartbeat' I cried even more. "Both of them are doing very well, nice heartbeats and everything is perfect with them. Would you like to know the genders?" She asks. "Yes, please" I say with happy tears "Its a Boy and a Girl!" She says with excitement. I cover my face with my hands and cry with joy. "Congratulations, honey here is the pictures and here is a towel to wipe the gel off and I'll go get you scheduled for your next appointment" She tells me. "Thank you" I tell her.

*In my Car*

   Im soooo excited. I'm gonna text Dani and see if she and Alex are ready.

Ashely: Hey Dani are you and Alex ready for me to pick you guys up? Btw I found out the genders!! :)

Dani: Yes we are, just finishing curling Alex's hair. And really telll meee

Ashely: I'll tell you when I see you guys in person, see ya in about an 1 hour, later loves you ♡♡♡♡

Dani: Uhh Fine :(, see ya soon loves you too and also Alex!! ♡♡♡♡

*In front of the Sidemen's house*

Uhhhh, me being here brings me soo much bad and good memories..

Im gonna texted Dani and tell her I'm outside

Ashely: Hey I'm outside :)


I decided to wait in front of my car so when they come out I could give them hugs. 10 seconds later I see them running towards me to give me the best of hugs. "Hey guys you ready! I missed you guys" I say to them. "Hey Alex haven't seen you in along time." Alex was very pretty has grey eyes, long red hair, and she is Ethan's sister. "Are you gonna tell us the genders!!" Dani and Alex say together. "In the car, come on!" I tell them while getting in the car. Alex gets the passenger seat and Dani gets in the back. "Can you tell us now please!!!!" Dani says in a werid crazy voice. "Uhh fine, its a boy and a girl!!" I say to both of them, while I turned on the car. They both screamed, kinda scared me not gonna lie.  They hugged me and screaming like crazy. I just smiled and turned on the car and headed to go shopping.

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