Sleep, and butt pain?

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Ashley's Pov

I was hugging my children like there was no tomorrow. They kept crying because of that stupid girl Emily. 'How did she get in here anyways' I wondered. 'Must of been a high school friend that thought that I knew her and invited her to the party' I took Eleanor and Elliott into the nursery, making sure everyone knew that we were okay and there's nothing wrong. I sat down in the rocking chair in the nusery and with both Elliott and Eleanor on top of me. They we're whining, I hate to see them sad, especially knowing that Emily made them cry. Uhh I wanted to beat her so bad, but why did Dani beat her, I was about to beat her anyways. I than started to sing Liitle me by Little Mix. They soon both started to clam down, and soon than fell asleep, I put them in their cribs and closed the nursery door. It was 6pm everyone soon started to go home one by one. Dani and Alex said they are gonna stay over for the night which I didn't mind at all. Josh and Calfreezy also decided to stay over, which I still didn't mind at all.

Everyone soon than left by 8pm, Josh and Dani started to clean up the outside and Alex and Calfreezy clean inside, I told them not to, but lets be real nobody listens to me. I went upstairs to go check on Elliott and Eleanor, they were awake, I could see that they were still sleepy, I decided to give them a bath, so they can sleep more cozy. I put them in their pj's and gave them a bottle and rock them to sleep. It was 10pm, once they finally fell asleep.

I went downstairs seeing everyone done cleaning and just watching TV, or on there phones. "Hey Ash, you have some clothes so me and Dani could sleep in for the night?" Alex asks. "Yeah, in my dresser like always, you could use my restroom to shower if needed" I said, they both nodded and they went up to my room. "If you guys want extra clothes to sleep in, I think there is some of Simon's clothes in the closet in the basement" I told Cal and Josh, they looked at each other and then back at me. "Are they clean?" Cal asks. "Haha, of course,I washed them, I was gonna give it back to him a while back ago, but failed at that" I said while giggling. They nodded and They soon both went down to the basement, and I went to the kitchen to get some water. Soon I hear my name being called by Josh. "Ash, can you help us?" He said. I wonder with what. I followed him down to the basement and see Cal on his tiptoes trying to reach the box that said 'Give back to Simon' I started to laugh. "Fuck, how did you even put it up here?" Cal said getting frustrated. "I don't remember" I said while laughing. "Here let me get on top of your shoulders" I said. "I feel like this is gonna go so wrong" Josh said "True, here let me put pillows around here" I said while laughing. "Okay, now let me get on your shoulders" I said. "How?" He said confused. "SQUAT!" I said laughing. He slowly squat and, I started to get on him, with Josh holding my hand so I won't fall.

I let go of his hand, getting my balance, I grab the box giving it to Josh. "Okay, so how do I get down." I said confused. "Here, I'll squat and you get off." Cal said. Well, Cal squated to fast and I ended up falling on a pillow, everyone laughing, once I got up, I didn't realize Dani and Ales were recording. "When did you guys get here?" I said still in somewhat pain on my butt. "Every sense you got on his shoulders"Dani said while laughing. "Whatever" I mumbled. "You guys could use the guess bathroom" I said to both the guys. They gave a nob and left, Uhhh my butt still hurts. "You guys will be sleeping at the other guest room" I said while walking to the kitchen to get some more water. "Thanks" they said together and headed to the room.

It was 1am, once I started to get ready for bed. Around 2am the house was silent. I guess every fell asleep. 'I should to go to sleep too'. I said in my head and turn off my computer and soon got cozy and fell asleep. :(

Hey guys sorry I don't upload daily like I use to, but I'm really sick, tomorrow since it's Saturday I'll upload a longer and better chapter. but for right now enjoy this crappy one please. 😣 :(

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