Going Home and Drama.

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Ashley's Pov

Right now, I'm with Elliott, he's doing better, which that's all I could've ask for. The nurse told me, he doing really well, and that babies forget how to breath sometimes. Elliott was doing really well, and his fever went down, which I'm very thankful for. It was about 5pm when we finally, all get to go home. I grad Elliott and walked out with him sleeping. I looked around and see nobody that I recognize, but I do see my diaper bag, which I grab. I looked in the bathrooms, no one, so than I decided to head outside, and checked were they were. No one, was there, I literally felt like having a heart attack. Eleanor I don't see her anywhere, nor the guys and girls. I ran to my car, buckled Elliott and started to call Josh, literally almost crying. 'Pick up, please' I soon than go to a voicemail, I hang up. I than called Alex, no one answered, than Dani, she didn't answer. "What the heck is going on" I mumbled, crying. I decide to call Tobi. He picked up, thank goodness!
I start yelling at him, with him even having the time to say hello. "Do you know where Simon, Eleanor, Josh, the girls at?" Crying my eyes out. "The girls and Josh are here, but no Eleanor or Simon" I started to breath bad. "Do anyone know where he is" I questioned. "No I asked and everyone said no, I'm sorry" he said. I broke down, I don't know where my Eleanor is. I must have gotten weird looks, since I'm crying in the parking lot of the hospital. "Do you have Simon's number", I said with sadness yet with anger. "Yeah, I'll text it to you" he said. "Okay" and than hanged up.

It felt like hours until I got the text from Tobi. I quickly got it and started to call him. I called him for like 20 times, until someone finally picked up. "Hello, why are you disturbing me and my babe?" A girl goice said. "Where's my friend Simon?" I said, calmimg down, trying to. "He is busy" she said in a werid voice. "LET ME TALK TO HIM NOW" I said screaming through the phone. "Uhh fine" she said. Soon a boys voice came, Simon. "Hello" he said. "WHERE THE FUCK IN ELEANOR, AND TELL ME NOW!" I gets looks from people in there cars, but I didn't care, I need my Eleanor. "She right here with me" he said. "GIVE ME THE ADDRESS, SO I could pick her up"  I said trying to clam down. "Its uhh, (Address)." He said nervously. While he told me it I wrote it down in a piece of paper that I found. I hanged up on Simon, not even saying goodbye, I quickly got into my car, and drove to the address he told me. Once, I got there in front of the house, I grad Elliott and walked to the front door. I knocked on the door, until they answered. A girl answered, Emily answered the door. "Uhh what are you doing here?" She said, in Simon's shirt, just in Simon's shirt. "I came here to pick up my daughter, Eleanor." I said, trying my hardest to not slap her. "Oh yeah, hold on, I'll get her" she said, I waiting, 'that bitch better did nothing to Eleanor , or I'll kill her, or report it to the police' I was thinking for a while, until Simon came down with Eleanor. I ran to her, not Simon, to my daughter. I took her from him and was hugging them, my family for a while,"My family, I love you so much" I whispered while crying on the porch of Emily's home. I decided to leave and ignore the fuck out of Simon. "You need help buckling them?" He said while rubbing the back of his neck. I ignored him, I was stupid for leaving Eleanor alone with him, I need to check if she has any marks on her. I buckled them both, and see that Simon was staring at me. I ignore him and got into my car and drove home.

I finally get home, and got Eleanor and Elliott out, they both were awake, and hungry. So I took them to their highchairs and made them dinner. We all had a sandwich with some chips on the side, with some apple juice. We all ate them messing around and me going through my mentions on Twitter. Mny tweets were about me and Simon, many were asking where today's video was, I decided to tweet what happen today "@Ashley1441: Sorry guys, no video today, Elliott was at the hospital all day and there was a problem with Eleanor, two videos tomorrow, pinky promise :)"  I tweeted it out and many came back with hate, but many others understood, I love those people. Elliott and Eleanor finished there food, I let them out and crawl around, since I baby proof mostly everything. I cleaned the kitchen while watchkng the kids play with some toys. I soon finished cleaning and headed to where Elliott and Eleanor were, I played with them, having an amazing time. Than I get a knock on my door. I get up and walk to the door and look through the peep hole, to see who it was. It was a girl or a women. I opened it up and see Emily. "Listen, I don't want to fight or anything, but Simon is mine, and if I see you near him, I'm coming here and will hurt you and your kids, got that?" She said, basically screaming in my face, and she continued. "Simon, is mine, you better watch where you are at,  cause if you are near him, your dead!" She said, I didn't understand her very well, her voice is awful just like her. "Stay away with him, and if you tell him about this conversation we had, you are dead!, have fun sleeping tonight" she said and walked away. I closed the door and went to Elliott and Eleanor to go give them a bath. We played together, them splashing the water and getting me all wet. Soon, I get them changed, and gave them a bottle. While they were drinking their bottles, I sang them a song, until they fell asleep.

I was in my room, just in a oversized sweater, with of course underwear, and knee high socks. I was just editing a video, soon I get a text from Josh.

Josh: Emily coming to us, speakimg that we can't talk to you, or Simon, cause he is hers. Da fuck?

Ashley: She came to me, but if I'm near him, she is gonna hurt my family D':

Josh: Why did they get together again, and how did she get to you?

Ashley: I don't know, and she came here at my home, she might be mad cause I disturbed hers and Simon's love making :/

Josh: Ewww, why would you do that

Ashley: I didn't want to! I was with Elliott in the hospital, I came out and see no one, you the girls or Simon, Or Eleanor, no one, I tried calling you, but you never picked up >:(, than I called Tobi and he gave me Simon's number, I called Simon and he gave me the address to where he was, I went to the address and well found Eleanor, but also Emily :'(, D:<

Josh: Im sorry, Simon told me, he'll be with you and waited until you came, so than I came home, If I would've know he was gonna leave, I wouldn't have let you alone, and worried. And sorry I didn't answer! :(

Ashley: I forgive you, I'm gonna go sleep, I'm dead .-. Hope we hang out soon. :D bye bye <3

Josh: yeashhhhh, and okqy me too, and hopefully ill tell you when im free. :) bye bye

Ashley: bye <3

I put my phone to charge, and went to sleep, really happy and in love?, I was also worried about that Emily, hope she doesn't do anything to my family. I also remember that I have to do homework and study for finals.
I'll do that tomorrow, I fell asleep really happy for some reason, but yet worried.

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