Be Happy They Say (Not A Great Chapter)

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Ashley's Pov (Wednesday)

I woke up, I looked around the room and its the living room. I tried to get up but something or someone was holding me back. Every time I moved they would hold me tighter and tighter. But I some how get out of ther grip and falling down onto the floor. I sighed that kinda hurt. I then get up and started to walk away to the kitchen. "Noo, come back and cuddle with me" he mumbled half awake and half asleep.
Simon may like the cuddling and stuff. But I feel so uncomfortable when I'm near him. Every sense our second break-up and now that Eleanor is gone, because of somewhat his fault, I just feel scared around him. And it's werid to think that he used to be the one that would protect me, but now he is the one I'm scared at.
I grab me a glass of water and just sit on top of the island. Wondering what to do with life. I feel hopeless for my children, my family and friends. "Are you okay darling?" Someone said to me, making me come back to the world. "I'm fine" I said then looked up at who said that, and it was Simon, I freaked out a little but then tried to play it cool. "So I'm thinking we should go to like a park or something, you know to help us not be so stressed out about Eleanor, you know, like in a way kinda forget about her but not really." He said and he tried to put his arm around me. 'Did he really just say that!, what the actual fuck!' I thought in my head. "No, no, that is a stupid idea, forgetting about MY daughter is a stupid idea, for crying out loud, she could be raped, or abused, or beaten, or not even in this fucking country!, and you want me, A MOTHER to forget about her child, and just go to a fucken park and have a good time" I said. "That not how I meant it" he said. "Whatever" I mumbled. 'Do they except me to forget about my daughter, and not look for her!' I thought. I went out of the kitchen and ran up the stairs to Vikk's room. I put my ear up to the door seeing if he was awake. I hear some noise. I gently knock. "Come in" they said. I opened the door quietly. And see Vikk and Elliott playing with Elliott's toy trucks. "Hi mummy" Elliott said and then came up to me to give me a hug. "Everything alright, you look stressed out, didn't sleep well?" Vikk asked me. "Meh" I said. "Where's your girlfriend at Vikk" I said with a tease. "Whatever, she wanted to talk to you about something" Vikk told me. "Oh well, I'll just go look for her and see what she needs" I said. "I wanna stay with uncle Vikk" Elliott Said. "But He needs to go to work" I said. "How about we go bug uncle Josh and let Uncle Vikk Work" I said. "Okaaayyy" he said. "See ya later buddy" vik said and then closed his door. We head over to Josh's room but before I knock someone called my name. "Ashley" someone said I turned around and see Rachel. "Hey, Vikk said you wanted to talk to me" I said confused. "Yes, I do, but how about we let Elliott go to uncle Josh's room, so that Me and you could talk" she told me. I nodded. I knocked on Josh's door, and soon Dani opened it. "Rachel and I need to talk and well, take care of him for a sec please?" I asked Dani. "Yea, sure, come one Elliott, I'll let you play with my phone" Dani said she took Elliott and then closed the door. "Soo, um, what you wanted to talk about?" I asked Rachel. "Well you been upset, about Eleanor and me and the girls would if you come and go to a club with us?" Rachel told me. "I just feel, like you guys want me to forget about my daughter, and not be worried about her and where she is at and who she is with?" I said tears going down my face. "It's not like that, we just want you to be happy" she told me. "What will make me happy is that I'll go looking for her, and what will make everyone in this house happy, is me leaving you guys" I said and finish there. I opened the door of Josh's room, went to pick up Elliott. Not caring who is calling my name. I grab my car keys, and phone and left the house. I opened my car and put Elliott in his seat and buckled him in. I than get in myself and started the car. Before driving I just pause and blank out. And just started crying, I put my head on the wheel and just bawl my eyes out. I may have gone a little to crazy on Simon and Rachel, but my heart and mind can't take it anymore. I want to be happy, I want to go to the park and have a good time with the lads. I want to o go to the club and have a nice girls night out. But all in my head is where is Eleanor, and how to take care of Elliott. I wipe away my tears and started to drive. "Mummy where we going?" Elliott asked me. "Home" I said. "Don't be sad, Be happy" he squealed. I was just done with everyone.
After some time later I pulled up on my drive way and turned off my car. I get out and I helped Elliott get out. I opened my house door, and all I see is trash, broken glass, furniture ruined, my house a mess. Tv broken, computers broken, everything broken. I picked up Elliott sense he didn't have shoes on. I want to go inside but at the same time, I don't. I stepped in a little bit and looked to the right of me and see writing on the wall. I get one step closer to see what it says. "Don't call the police or she gets it" it said on the wall. And on the walls of the stairs there was an arrow that goes up the stairs. I need to see what this is. But I don't want Elliott getting hurt. I then remembered about Ms. James. I ran to her house which was four houses down mine. Ms. James would always helped me with my children and I would always help her after her husband died. I go up to her house and knocked and waited until she opened. When she finally opened I began to tell her. "Hello Ms. James, um, I was just wondering, if you don't mind, can you take care of Elliott for about 5 to 10 minutes, something when on in my house and I Need to check it out" I said to her with all in one breath. " oh thank goodness your okay, I actually saw some people going into your house, fully black clothing, and with hammers and axes, I was so worried about you and your children. I tried calling you and the police but my cable was out and I was just worried that you were hurt" she told me. "Aw thank you so much Ms. James." I told her and hugged her. "Now go check your house out, and if you don't come back in less than 30 minutes I'll call the police, okay hun?" She told me. "Thank you Ms. James." I said. "Now come in Elliott, I just made some pancakes!" She said. "Yeah!" Elliott said. "Be good Elliott,mummy will be back in a while, okay, I LoveS you!" I told him and kiss him. I than started running back to my home. My destroyed home. Once I go there. I closed the door and it was Hopefully just me and this destroyed home. I checked all my rooms on the down floor. Making sure there was no note, that they left. I checked the basement and everywhere on the first floor. It was sad, every step I took, I would step on glass or something. I go up the stairs. And to the first room to the right, which was the guest room. Everything was destroyed and broken. I walk to the next room which was the nursery, and I opened it and see. Everything broken, except for Eleanor's crib. I go up to it and there is a note inside it, where Eleanor would lay in.

The Note:
It's a shame that I took your daughter, well it's a shame that you took Simon away from me! This is karma! Remember Emily, Well she is my sister. And well you took Simon away from the BOTH of us and now, we took your daughter. It you wanna see her again, stay away from Simon and Everyone including the girls. And we will give your daughter back. Don't tell them anything about who did this or what happen. Remember we watch every step you take. And maybe, just maybe we will give give you, your daughter back. But we want to see you suffer. Remember don't call the police or she dies -Emily and Daisy.

I don't know what to do, I'm just crying and crying. I drop down to my knees not caring if I cut my legs with the glass. I stay there for probably a good two minutes. But continue looking up stairs. I go to my room and see Everything broken my pictures my bed, even my shower. Everything broken and just Broken, like me.

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