turn it on

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stefan hadnt turned his humanity back on and had fought damon and ran off. he told caroline about their lame attempt on making him turn it back on. they hit the road again.


1 month later

stefan and caroline had had their humanity off for the whole month they had been travelling together the whole time and had left  a trail of dead bodies. they had maid there way over to texas where damon and elana caught them.


in the salvatore cellar 

stefan has been drained of his blood and is tied up to the wall caroline only had enough vervain so that she couldnt break free from her restraints. damon came in as stefan and caroline woke up. stefan said "what is with the special treatment brother" damon smirked a knowing look at stefan and in that moment stefan knew that damon knows something that he doesnt. damon said "you will get your turn brother but right now i want to talk to blondie. he turned his gaze away from stefan and looked at caroline "barbie i want you to listen very closely" she was bored so she did what he said and used her vampire hearing, at first all she heard was hers damons and stefans heartbeat but then she heard another heartbeat. it wasnt a human heartbeat but it also wasnt a vampires heartbeat. then she realised it it was a babies heartbeat and it was coming from her. "how is it possible" she said to damon in a hopeful voice he replied "i dont know but it is happening. just think one of the things that you came to terms with never happening is happening, one of your dreams are coming true this is real caroline completely real." she closed her eyes and when she opened them again they were full of emotion she had turned it back on. damon unchained her and she was about to walk off when damon asked her to stay. he turned to stefan and damon said "i want you to vampire listen to your girlfriend." when damon said that caroline had a pained expression on her face how was stefan gonna want her after everything that she had done. she still loved him but if he felt anything for her when he turned his humanity on it would surely be gone now after all the terrible things she did to him her thoughts were cut short when she heard stefan say "how is that possible" damon said " i dont know brother but it is happening i got a compelled nurse to do an ultrasound and care is about three weeks along wich means the kid is definetely yours. stefan think you are going to be  a dad." stefan blinked and just like that his humanity was on. damon undid stefans chains and said that he would leave caroline and stefan to talk.

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