i love you

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A/N i am really sorry for the wait i have been swamped with school work and personal issues going on but here it is the next chapter

Stefan woke up in his house cuddled up with Caroline on their bed. He let out a breath that he didn't know he had been holding when he saw her stir. He had remembered the events that just occurred and was worried for the lives of the three most important people in his life. For that split second that felt like an eternity he imagined his life without them, without her. in that moment he knew that now that she was here, he could never lose her if he did it would break him. She made him better and made him want to become better. She gave him his two miracles and was a miracle himself. He had no idea what he had done to deserve her. All of deaths he had caused all the sorrow he had triggered but here he was with a gorgeous girlfriend and two kids on the way and the happiest he ever was and all he kept thinking was when am I going to lose the best thing in my life. But he wasn't going to let it happen, not this time. He was going to make sure he was happy that Caroline is always happy and that his children are always happy. They will be a family and he couldn't wait he wanted it to be official, for everyone to know. He had decided she was the love of her life and nothing and no one would change that.

She woke up and sensed that she was being watched. She opened her eyes with blurry vision and saw him. She loved him he was the one for her. for a moment she just stared, stared at her perfect man, and was filled with a sense of calm. She then remembered what happened and freaked out. She sat bolt upright and asked him "oh my god! What happened joe and the babies are they ok. Our babies are they ok Stefan tell me please." She was in tears by the end of her mini rant and Stefan had to pull her into his embrace. He calmed her down and told her everything that he knew but he blanked out as well. He hugged her tighter and said "god Caroline I was so scared. I saw you lying there after kai came and exploded everything, I thought I had lost you. I thought I had lost all three of you." She looked at him and saw the worry in his eyes. She put both hands on his face and gave him a slow gentle kiss that portrayed all her emotions. When she pulled away, she reassured him "Stefan I'm fine we are fine and were not going anywhere. I love you Stefan Salvatore and I'm not leaving you." His face showed his true admiration of the women in front of him. He didn't mean for it to happen like that, but he didn't regret it because apparently his subconscious was finally taking tings into their own hands because what came out of his mouth next shocked them both. "Marry me"

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