I'm saying goodbye

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Those two words paused time and hang in the thick air between them. Neither could believe that Stefan just asked, it was so sudden. Or at least it was for Caroline. She knew that he loved her, and he had mentioned wanting to spend eternity together which she thought about a lot because this was the love of her life. She had imagined their wedding day and had imagined their babies running around them and Stefan always on her arm. To be honest whenever she thought of the future Stefan was in it how could he not be. But Caroline knew deep down he was only doing this because he got scared and because he is a gentleman and wants to do what is best for the babies. It was always the thought in the back of her mind he does not want you as much as you want him, he is only doing the right thing because he is always good to the people he cares about. Sure, he says he loves her, and she believes him he does love her just not as much and as intensely as she loves him because someone as perfect as Stefan Salvatore could not love her that much.

This was not the way that he wanted to do it. He had not completely planned it out yet, but this was not the way. He had bought a ring and he had spoken to Bonnie and Damon and Elena about how he should do it. He was thinking hearts and flowers and cheesy words that would bring tears to her eyes that would show her just how much she means to him. He loves her with all his heart, soul and body and he wanted to show her that the best he could. Caroline is a person that deserves big shows of romance in front of her closest and dearest friends not a quick whispered proposal after tiring events at, guess what a wedding that got ruined by an annoying egotistical sociopath, which was not the way that he wanted to set the scene here just lying in bed after waking up from a magically induced slumber. Now it seemed rushed and not as important and as if this hasn't been planned and thought over for a month whenever Caroline was sleeping, and he wasn't. He wanted to marry Caroline more than anything else but now he had messed it up. He doesn't even know if Caroline wants to marry him.

It felt like they sat there in the uncomfortable tension for an eternity, but it was only a minute, a minute that all their insecurity's rose to the surface. A minute that made them doubt the most sacred thing of all, love. Caroline was the first to speak taking a deep breath and saying what has been weighing her down for the past many months since she found out about the babies. "I can't say yes Stefan." Stefan's breath hitched and his eyes burned this was the moment that he would loose one of the most precious things in his life because he couldn't control his tongue "I couldn't do that to you Stefan. I love you too much." Stefan's face scrunched in confusion as he replied "what, what do you mean" Stefan looks so cute like that she thought to herself then scolded her mind for thinking something like that in this moment she composed herself then continued "I can't let you throw your life away on me." He opened his mouth to speak but she stopped him before he could start "don't protest just, let me speak. I love you with every bit of me Stefan and when I dream of my future you are always there, but I know you, Stefan. You are the most loyal and kind person I know and that is why you were my best friend before anything else. you will always do what is right for the people you care about, and I call myself an incredibly lucky person to be one of those, but I know deep down that this is not really what you want. You are doing what you think is right because yes you love me, and you also love our babies, and I do not doubt for a second that you will be an amazing father, but you are just doing what you think needs to be done. You want what you think is best for you kids and you think that that is two parents married in a house together living a happy ever after. But you, Stefan, deserve someone that is worthy of your love that is worthy of your passion. I cannot let you throw away your eternity because you think you are doing what's right. You are scared from the events today and are shaken up because you thought the babies could have been hurt and I don't doubt that you love me but you deserve an all-consuming love, a love that makes you smile every time you hear their name, a love that you imagine walking down the aisle and saying your vows to. A love that I feel for you." She laughed a broken sad laugh and finished by saying "and that is why I am letting you go. I love you Stefan and all I hope for is your happiness, so I am letting you find it." She stood up, tears streaming down her face as she takes one last blurry look at the love of her life before she turned away and ran down the stairs. She heard him yelling her name, but she ignored it and ran out the door to her car that was parked outside and drove home.

Stefan ran down the stairs after Caroline, calling her name and trying to get her to turn around just to let him explain, he ran up to her as she shut the door and saw her get into her car through the window at the top. As she drove off, he banged his fists against the door as tears streaked down his face making his cheeks blotchy and his eyes red. He turned around and slid down the door throwing his head back resulting in a bang as it made contact with the door and he whispered " I love you too Caroline, please don't leave me" his voice cracked at the end and he just stared into the distance but never truly saw anything as he thought about the fact that the love of his life just walked out because she didn't know how deep his love was. He just lost the best thing in his life, and it was all his fault. He knew that there was nothing he could do to change it now. It's over.

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