Telling the crew

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Tweak and Kwazii waited until the second trimester to tell the crew to be sure that the risks were lower. They were deciding against telling each of them individually, primarily due to Peso not wanting to tell Dashi alone. They already told both of their parents, essentially Tweak's father and Kwazii's grandfather, who were understanding and happy. Now the only thing left to do was to tell the rest of the crew. While agreeing to stay silent, Peso made it clear that if they didn't tell the crew by the second trimester he would do it himself. With this ultimatum, Kwazii and Tweak decided to just rip the bandaid off so to speak. Gathering everyone into the gamepod, Tweak started to speak first.

Tweak: So, as you all know we are already dating, and are good friends...

Everyone nodded and Dashi spoke: Are you guys getting married?

Tweak and Kwazii shook their heads and chuckled. Kwazii spoke: Ayy no we aren't, not yet at least-

Before they could finish their sentence the octoalert sounded. Sighing everyone got up and went to their posts to deal with the emergency. After a few hour-long missions, they were back in the game pod and trying to have this discussion again. Before they could however the octoalert sounded again, this time no one tried to hide their displeasure as this was the fifth time it's happened. After everyone got back they just went to the kitchen and ignored all pleasantries.

Tweak groaned clearly frustrated as Dashi offered her a cup of coffee. Seeing this as her opportunity she took it and spoke: Sorry I can't have it since I already had one today, and I don't think you're allowed to have multiple cups of coffee if you're pregnant.

Peso nodded: that is correct.

Dashi nodded: That is understandable-WAIT

Tweak smirked and nodded as what she said finally caught up with the rest of the octonauts. They were all trying to wrap their heads around it as Dashi pulled Tweak into a hug: OMG I am so happy for you!!

Tweak smiled and hugged back, pulling away Dashi spoke: So that's who was pregnant, not Kwazii's cousin!

Kwazii and Tweak both nodded and he spoke: I honestly did not expect that excuse to work to be fair.

The crew then took their turns congratulating the couple and agreed to discuss working hours at a later date. Also, they agreed to try and stop by to allow Tweak and Kwazii to both see their families. After a few more missions Tweak and Kwazii were finally in his room relaxing. Kwazii was trying to find everything that could be dangerous for a baby and put it away. Tweak sat on his bed leaned against her elbow watching him curiously.

Tweak spoke, southern drawl heavily lacing her tone as the exhaustion of the day set in: Kwaz, hon, you realize that we still have a while before the baby will be here, let alone be walking. Right?

Kwazii nodded absentmindedly and continued picking things up and putting them away. She groaned softly and sat up as he continued moving oblivious to her attempts to get him to relax. Finally giving up on him coming to the conclusion that his room was safe enough as it is, especially considering they had time to change it, she stood up and pulled him close to her.

Kwazii's arms went around her instinctively and she rested her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. Looking down at her confused he spoke: Tweaky? Are you ok?

She spoke softly and sleepily: Shh, the room is fine. I am fine, I just want to hold the love of my life, and drift off to sleep peacefully. He smiled and held her tighter as she snuggled closer to him. Lifting her and bringing her over to the bed, he laid her down and laid beside her. Smiling she allowed him to get situated and moved next to him, tangling their legs together as he covered them with his blanket. She rested her head on his chest once again and allowed herself to be lulled asleep, before she was able she heard Kwazii murmur something.

Kwazii: I just wanna be a good dad...

Leaning up she put both of her hands on his face forcing him to look at her, suddenly serious despite being moments away from sleep just a few seconds prior: Hey... you are going to be a great dad, you already are. You don't have to prove anything to anyone. Ask anyone on this ship and they will tell you that you are amazing. An amazing friend, partner, crew member. You will be a damn good father.

He didn't even realize his eyes were watering until she wiped away his tears and he pulled her down to a kiss. She kissed back until he pulled away and pulled her into a hug. Dropping back down to his chest she intertwined their fingers and listened to his heartbeat once more. Before she could almost fall asleep again he pulled her hand up to his lips and kissed each of her knuckles before wrapping his arms back around her, pulling her close.

Kwazii spoke softly, suddenly sleepy: I love you so much.

Tweak smiled and placed a lazy kiss on his neck: love you too... you big sap.

Smiling and in each other's arms they drifted off to sleep.

Kwazii and tweaks childDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora