13: Mystery

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"YOU SILLY SAUSAGE." Hannah called at her computer screen in a childish voice. She was attempting to complete a Far Cry 4 mission, attempting being the optimum verb. All that could be heard was a rapid mouse clicking and exasperated breaths as she was killed once again. She sighed heavily before reloading the game. That would have to be cut out the recording. Wiping a hand across her brow, Hannah stopped and caught her breath. It was like she was being watched. Slowing turning to the door, she spotted a distressed looking Smith stood fiddling absent mindedly fiddling with his phone. He smiled at her, but she could see the smile was laced with anxiety and apprehension. She rolled her eyes, rapidly turning the recording off. She had only been playing for a few minutes, it wasn't the end of the world. Standing up and gently brushing herself down, Hannah headed for the door. Once outside, her hand was immediately gripped and her arm jolted forwards as Smith dragged her through to the storage room. She gave him the strangest look, but followed anyway. It was a day at Yogtowers, everything was strange.


Thalia's eyes must've scanned the remainder of the Quest a million times, or at least, that's how it felt to her. Helios had left for a well deserved meal after his flight. Needless to say, another pigeon had fallen to his hand. Well, claw.

Thalia, slumped against the same roof she had spoken to Smith on, began to gather her thoughts. If she was going to complete this quest, there was a chance it would be her last. She felt like she'd just been punched in the stomach, mentally winded and lost. Gathering herself and pushing herself to her feet, Thalia decided to take action. She slammed her eyes shut, screwing them together tightly. Then Thalia proceeded to use yet another one of her strange talents. Se mimicked exactly the call of a bird. Specifically, Helios. Her teeth and tongue worked in perfect harmony in making the sound. Soon he shot into view, landing promptly on her arm.

"Me prendre pour le point le plus élevé de la ville."
"Take me to the highest point of the city."

Helios quickly obliged, spreading his extravagant wings and launching himself into the air. The sharp minded bird kept low enough to stay within Thalia's sight, while still lesson her to the building. He flew, she ran. It was like two instruments working in harmony.

Thalia sprinted across roves like a bag out of hell, dodging chimney stacks and leaping across unfathomable gaps. Eventually, the pair came to a halt at a steel grey metal wall, that led up and up an up, as far as she could see.
So she climbed. And climbed, and climbed and climbed. Once reaching the peak, she halted and caught her breath. The world grew vast around her.

Thalia took a breath, and allowed her eyes to feast on the expanse of city. Every tiny detail was etched into a mental map. She stood, and with her eagle Helios flying around her, was able to map the city from a birds-eye type view. It was perfect.

Bringing her mind back to the quest, Thalia realised she would need to wield her allies to her side once more. Well, ally. Singular. She threw her hands to her mouth and let out a shrill screech that could have curled the blood of even the most ravage lions. Helios fluttered and floundered before raising her screech and carrying it down through the city. He sliced through the wind as he flew out of sight. Thalia stood back restlessly. This was gonna be one hell of a bumpy ride.


As Hannah had listened to Smith's story, her face had grown stony. Her expression had folded completely to a mask, hiding any emotion. As soon as he had finished relaying every spec of detail, she politely stood and backed out of the room.

Lewis called after her, only to have his voice drowned out by the noise of her car as she headed home.

Pulling into the allotment car park, she shuffled her way up the stairs, before entering Lewis and her's apartment. The blonde then proceeded to hunker after an old and long forgotten chest, carelessly thrown into storage. When she finally found the mystery box she pulled yanked it free from the top heavy cardboard boxes.

On the surface of this chest, lay the assassin's mark.



Welcome to the worst writer in the world who doesn't update for three weeks and then gives you a terrible chapter :)
Apologies, despite the fact they have no worth .-.
The next chapter will just be the entire quest with no storyline, so yeah.
Sorry again ::
Thank you for your patience!


Quest: A Yogscast/Assassins Creed fanficWhere stories live. Discover now