9: Memories

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Thalia's hand met her brow in a frustrated wiping movement, thus guiding the beads of sweat away from her face. She had been walking for what seemed like hours, but realistically was only around 50 minutes. A trait of the snow; slows walking times and forces you to put more effort into lifting your legs. Solution; Don't even try. Unfortunately for Thalia, she didn't have a choice. Her feet crunched the snow lightly as she stepped, careful not to step in too deep of a snow drift. Yes, her boots were sturdy and well made, but hell it was FREEZING with compact snow all around them constantly.
Each time Thalia let out a breath, a small rupture of condensation erupted into the air before her. There was silence all around, aside from the every now and again distant call from Helios, looking for her.

But this was something she needed to do alone.

Thalia steadily made her way through the desolate city, eerily abandoned. As she strode past a window, she peered in to see a family collectively sitting around a small open fire, the flames welcoming and homely, and the family cheering merrily. They all seemed in the best spirits, despite being snowed in. Thalia's brown eyes hardened as she saw the girl cuddle against her father, sweetly and lovingly. The assassin balled her fists, and her expression hard, continued up the street. Though she would never admit it, Thalia was jealous of the love that young girl was receiving. Sure, her parents may have once tried to offer her love, but not in the way she had just seen. The only reason Thalia's parents had wanted to show her love was to make THEIR daughter seem important and amazing. They had only wanted to raise the perfect daughter to obtain the perfect self image. It didn't really make sense, but Thalia understood clearly. She shook the envious thoughts from her mind and continued the walk, to the street. The dreaded street she once resided upon. And that house, that house full of rejection and perfection. Two words you wouldn't expect to see together often, but it happened.


Helios scanned the horizon, eager to find his Mistress. It wasn't often she left him, and if she did, she informed him exactly where she was going and why. As he flew high in the cover of the clouds, he remembered his time as a fledgling in Bristol. Originally, Helios had been a birthday present to Thalia from her father. The wealth driven man hadn't understood the terror Helios had been through. Luckily, when Thalia had received him, she'd straight away released him into the wild. He hadn't had anywhere to go, and so had stuck around with Thalia. Together they had formed an unbreakable bond, and had been together ever since.

There was only one place he could think of that she might've gone.

That house didn't bring back pleasant memories, but he was determined to find Thalia.


The tall oak stood proudly amongst the other trees. It's thick trunk was a symbol of strength, confidence and hope. But Thalia sat in the branch feeling nothing but sorrow. Gaze unmoving from the Victorian Era window, her memories seemed to take over her sanity, and seep into the functioning controls of her brain. Though sat in plain sight, nobody noticed her. There was nobody TO notice her. One hand arm resting on a raised knee, the other swinging off the branch, her eyes bore into the house. She was stronger now, harder and so much more independent... Yet this was her tie to weakness. Some say weakness makes you whole... So why did she not feel whole? She was at the house, where she felt most vulnerable, yet at the same time, nothing had changed. Sighing in desperation, she edged further along the branch, closer to the window, until she could see inside.

She frowned at the sight, her old room had been converted! The walls had been knocked through, and now sat one rather large and proud king-sized bed room. On the walls were posters of gaming characters and pixelated personalities, as well as a few photos and letters. Looking to the right, her gaze landed on a small tank, something that could contain a lizard of some kind. Maybe a gecko? She couldn't be sure. Just as she peered closer to get a better look, she heard a clatter from inside the house. Shocked a little herself, Thalia snapped her eyes back to their regular front facing position and met the rather panicked face of 'Smith'. Neither quite knew what to do or say, but Thalia didn't run. Not this time, not again. She stared at him with a blank expression, attempting to read his emotions while not allowing him to read hers.


Smith didn't know what to do. There, just outside his window on that damn oak tree branch was the same cloaked woman they had seen in the office but a day or so before. These events were terribly surreal, and Smith considered the possibility he was in fact suffering form concussion... Then again, the pain from the stub his toe had received from slamming into the door told him otherwise. The girl didn't seem to move, which was perfectly fine with Smith, because after the parkour display, he wasn't sure he could trust her.

He edged his hand into his back pocket with caution, pulling out and clasping behind his back a reasonably old camera phone. He gently called to Ross and Trot, his housemates, attempting not to alert the possibly intruder at the same time.

Unfortunately, he was too late.

The moment he had shouted the names of his friends, she had used her left leg to force herself upwards and clear of the window. Though he had fumbled with his camera phone, Smith hadn't had a chance to take a photo. He cursed his idiocy, and slipped it back into his pocket as the footsteps over the roof became quieter. Ross and Trot hadn't even heard him, with their headphones more than likely chattering their ear drums down the stairs.

After careful consideration, he decided against telling them. For now. Heck, hey could call him a liar! There was no proof! It was better kept under wraps for the time being...


He might tell Hannah. She seemed to be a whizz at detective work!


Thalia jogged across the roof at a leisurely pace, knowing the man would not follow. He did not seem much of a threat, she could sense. But there was something about him... Something linked to the reason she was sent there.

He was her weakness... But what did that mean?

She shook her head in frustration, and let out a lowly whistle, loud enough for the close flying Eagle to hear. Helios immediately plummeted from the sky and pulled up beside her. The tears in Thalia's eyes were pushed away by the wind, and both girl and eagle stood looking over the city, wondering where to head next.



Sorry for the delay, it's exam year which means a ton of revision and mock exams! Hope you're all doing great, and don't forget to vote and comment! :)

~ Becca

Quest: A Yogscast/Assassins Creed fanficWhere stories live. Discover now