10: The Quest

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Helios' mind had been nagging at him for at least two hours. It constantly dragged his thoughts to the small clip wrapped around his eagle-ankle. He knew it was important, and he knew it was perilous. He hated to put his Mistress in danger, but if the quest was not delivered, he would be to blame. To experience Deucalion's wrath AND live to tell the tale was not a common event. So, he knew had no choice but to present her the scroll.

Thalia knew she'd been issued a quest. When wasn't she on a quest? It was just a part of life. Sometimes, a part she wished she could take a break from, but at the same time, the adrenaline highs were definitely worth it. There were countless occasions Thalia had been so close to death she could practically reach out and touch it were frightening. Yet she couldn't give it up. Not for the world. Not for anything or anyone. The feeling of her blood pumping, rushing to her ears, heat prickling the outer layers of her skin, and ears crying in pain from the deafening screams of her victims. It was a life worth the sacrifice.

Thalia glanced back over her shoulder at the eagle who followed. Her eyes found their way to his ankle, and she mentally prepared herself for the contents. Could be anything! From a serial killer across the way, needing disposal, or a petty thief that needed a lesson or two in the law. The law. Not particularly a code Thalia abided by the majority of the time, but she enforced it occasionally.

Helios seemed to sense her eyes, and drew his leg back into the mass of feathers. His eyes glowed with sadness, and his posture slumped a little. Thalia smiled sadly, before fully turning and laying her open palm in front of him. Hand on her hip, she gave him a smile that read,

'You can't run from this forever, you know!' And in that moment, he knew she was right. With regret, Helios reached his head down and perched off the encasing. Gently in his beak, he passed her the scroll. Thalia took a deep breath, unrolled the parchment and began absorbing the words etched so carefully with, no doubt, a feather doused in ink.



You have been my most entrusted student in what can only be described as the most important years for this century. Not many know this. To be exact, it is now but you, Iapetus, Gaia and I. You have shown me the highest level of loyalty and respect. I am eternally grateful. You may still believe this is but another quest, but deep down we both know this is anything but.

Thalia, ever since you initially embarked upon this journey, you have shown more promise than any of us have ever seen in a student. You, Thalia, are destined for greatness. But with that honour, comes responsibility. You are forced to face trials that will no doubt break you.

But I see something inside you, Thalia. Something I saw inside myself once. A flame. No doubt yours will dance a different path and pattern in relation to my own.

On with the Quest itself. You must retrieve a dated scroll. In the past I have not relayed a great deal of information to you for these particular quests. I apologise for my reservation. It was, and partly still is, needed for your success.

In this quest, you shall not go unaided. Three shall embark, one of power, one of weak mind and one of remorse. No matter what, you must keep a level head. Our enemy is rising, and he seeks only the key. To find the key you mus-


The beautifully neat calligraphy had seemingly smudged and smeared into a vast expanse of black. But Thalia hadn't read enough. What even was the quest?! Her heart raced, and she threw the score onto the floor in annoyance. Slumping to her knees, Thalia pulled out a blank piece of paper from her closest pocket. She then drew a small fountain pen. Beginning a reply, Thalia carefully worded it, so as to extract as much information from her mentor as possible.

Master Deucalion,

I am writing to you not out of fear, out of confusion. It appears the remainder of your quest scroll has been damaged in transit. Would it be possible to have it reissued?

Avec la foi et la santé mentale de l'esprit,


She blew the ink gently, and held it up slightly until sure it was bone dry. Then, Thalia proceeded to wrap it carefully around her trusted eagle's ankle.

"Take this to Deucalion. Do not fail me now, Helios." Her tone was firm, yet loving. The beautiful eagle nodded solemnly, before pushing himself into the air, catching the currents, and heading for Paris.

Thalia turned back and took a deep breath. The sun was gradually creeping higher in the sky, and as her agenda had suddenly become more or less empty until Helios' return, she decided to pay that house a visit. Her old home.



A day late... Sorrrry .-. Happy Sunday ^.^ Don't forget to comment/vote! It makes me write quicker :')

Quest: A Yogscast/Assassins Creed fanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora