6: Climbing Trees

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"What the hell even was that?!" Trot exclaimed in confusion. Smith shook his head in disbelief but was soon whirled backwards by a frustrated Ross.

"Idiot! You let a burglar get away? The hell man!" He scolded. Ross rolled his eyes, and being the most sober of the three headed in the direction of the phone.
"You'd better bloody hope the line is working." Smith rubbed his eyes carefully, before heading back to look out the window. Although the sun was beating down like, well, like the sun does with it's magnificent shafts and beams of light, the snow was still too thick to even think about getting out. Unless of course you fancied plummeting out of a second storey window, which all three did not. Hatfilms stream the night before had been a huge success! They'd raised a spectacularly large amount of money for the designated charities, and had each had a wonderful time! Although perhaps the amount of alcohol consumed may have been a little too high, it was not unusual. Now though, snowed in and with the fear of burglars as well as some rather pounding hangovers, the three video gamers were feeling rather vulnerable.

"Ross? Trot? Smith" A voice on the other end of the phone Ross had just dialled called. Ross looked relieved, before continuing the conversation,
"It's Ross. The snow's too thick to get out..." He was unsure wether or not to speak of the strange woman, but decided it would be best to tell his boss.
"Lewis... Just now, something strange happened..."


Thalia swung low from the house rooftops and landed steadily in a park tree. The leaves around her surrendered their snow immediately and dropped it to the floor, while the branch held steady beneath her feet. She had travelled a reasonable distance in such a short period of time, reaching the very edge of Bristol before the day was through. Yet with the snow still thick, she would need yet ANOTHER place to stay the night. Pushing her legs backwards off the wooden foothold and catching the branch with both hands, Thalia dropped to the snow covered floor, shivering slightly as the went. She took in her surroundings steadily, the chill in the air forcing her to blink a little harder. She was, on the left, faced with rows upon rows of houses, each seemingly longer than the next. Yet on the right Thalia's gaze was met by acres and acres of flat grassland littered with trees. She grinned at the obvious answer and started her stroll through the forest.

The gentle rustling of the leaves and light whistle of the wind was a comforting feeling. Homely and soft. Like she belonged. Thalia looked forwards at the setting of the sun, so beautifully radiating red, orange and murky yellow beams. She felt so at peace! Looking behind her haphazardly, she noticed the oncoming snow clouds, and rolled her eyes in annoyance. No more strolling! She would have to find shelter, and quick.
Trees were the obvious answer, and so she began to search for one that could occupy a sleeping inhabitant for the night. It wasn't an easy search mind you, looking for a branch that's not too thick and high enough for her partner to reach her, not particularly common. Eventually though, Thalia hauled her tired body up through the low hanging oak branches into a small snow coated tree. From here, she ran along it's longest branch and onto the next tree. Eventually, after using several branches, footholds and jumps, Thalia reached the perfect location. The tree she had the pleasure of inhabiting was moderately tall, not enough to draw attention, and had the perfect view over the forest. She grinned happily, standing at the very edge of the top.

Thalia's now gleaming brown eyes (a result of the moon reflection) found their way to her pocket. She promptly reached her hand inside and pulled out a narrow, lengthy silver whistle. She looked out into the night, before putting the whistle to her lips and blowing for all she was worth. The sound was eerily high pitched and silenced the underlying noise of the forest. Thalia grinned, before slumping back against the tree's steady body and allowing herself to drift off to sleep...


The eagle heard his Mistress' call from miles away. If he had known how, he would have rolled his eyes. His dark body shifted slightly on the rooftop perch, preparing for take off. His mighty golden eyes pierced the black of the night sky, thus allowing him vision. Crowned Eagles were more of a day time flying breed, but you can't ignore the call. The call. That was what his Mistress called it. It was the noise that bound them. Whenever it was played or made, he would fly straight to her. Vice versa, if she was in earshot and he let out his distress cry, Thalia would drop everything and head towards him. Their bond just seemed to work like that.

The Crowned Eagle had been searching for her for days. She had obviously known he would follow, but it had taken him longer than usual. Although Thalia was yet to find out the reason why, the eagle knew. He had been forced to retrieve a note from Deucalion.

Thalia had been issued a Quest.



The picture is a Crowned Eagle, just so you know :') Thank you so mush for all the support! Don't forget to Vote and Comment! ^.^


Quest: A Yogscast/Assassins Creed fanficWhere stories live. Discover now