Chapter 25: His grand return

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Error sat in his desk, in his class, that just so happened to be math. Error didn't like math, but he had to get through it. He rolled his eyes, and he let his mind wonder off into its own destination.

He thought of life, and then his mind wondered off to Ink. Oh Ink. He knew that the little skeleton probably found him to be cocky and annoying, but he didn't think he had come off as that until it was too late.

He thought off him, and a smile grew on his face. He liked Ink, he probably had made that clear. He didn't know if Ink liked him back, probably not though. He's made it sure that he likes Ink, in his own way, and Ink probably did despise the thought of him.

He felt a nudge on his arm, and he opened his eyes. He saw Fell, looking at him with a mysterious gaze. Fell blinked, and continued looking at Error.

Error felt uncomfortable. "What?" He whispered, since the teacher was explaining the lesson. He didn't want to disrupt him.

"What are you thinking about, lover boy?" Fell whispered back, raising his non-existent eye-brows at Error. Error felt a yellow blush, forming on his face.

Error kicked him under the desk, since they were sitting side by side. His ERROR marks where going off like crazy. Fell looked like he was trying not to laugh, for his hand was above his mouth, as he looked at Error. He put his hands before him when Error gave him the: "Don't say it or your dead" look. His hands looked as if they were saying: "calm down, it was just a joke."

Error turned away, and looked at the teacher. Though he wasn't bothered to learn, he didn't want to look at Fell, so it felt as if he had no other option.

                                 • • • • •

Error walked out of the school, tiredness and relief washing over him like a soft breeze. Classes had ended for today, and Error walked out of the school grounds. Fell wasn't with him, though he thought it would be a good idea if he were to wait for him. They were the best of friends after all. He stopped at the school gate, and leaned on the wall, watching the school doors for the sight of his friend.

He watched as the door was open, and more and more people came out and walked to their friends, while some walked out of the gate, probably wanting to get out of school grounds. Error stared at it, and saw no sign of Fell.

After what felt like an eternity, and Fell still hadn't come out yet where else almost everyone had left, Error started to wonder wether or not to go without his friend. Just then, Fell walked out of the entrance, and walked over to Error. He stopped and then spoke: "You where waiting for me?" He asked.

"I thought I might." Error shrugged, and got up from leaning. "Where were you? I waited forever for you!"

Fell scratched the back of his skull. "I was stopped by someone, and she wouldn't let me go outside without me helping her with something." Fell sighed, closing his eyes, and opening them once more. "C'mon, I've heard about a new coffee place that opened, wanna go?"

Error blinked. Coffee? He liked the thought of going, besides what was he to do in the anti-void? "Sure, why not? You know the way, right?" Error asked, walking out of the school grounds.

Fell stumbled after him. "Obviously. Come on, it's this way."

Fell led the way to the new place. Error followed after him, and watched as Fell tried to find his way across the big city they lived in. Soon, after walking for approximately 10 minutes, they had made it to a small building. The building was a brownish colour, and had the words: "Pastry emporium" on the front of the place. Error thought it looked quite nice.

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