Chapter 26: Meetings

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Blue walked the hallway's of the school, a smile being felt on his face. He heard students, talking and talking in there own little groups, or so it seemed to Blue. Blue had learned the school grounds by heart now; and he did it all with using his stick thing.

He had finished classes, and now it was lunch. He wanted to meet Ink and Dream, since he hadn't seen them all day. His smile grew bigger- oh, he just wanted to see them! It sounded as if he hadn't seen them in a hundred years, but they were all best friends after all!

He turned and went into the familiar hallway, or so he thought, to go outside on the school's field. The sounds of talking followed him, but soon they were blocked out as Blue walked. He heard the sound of his own footsteps now.

He then felt himself being pushed. Blue squinted his eyes shut in fear. He was slammed onto a hard surface, and a bang sound followed him. He regained himself, and touched the hard surface. He sighed in fear.

He then felt a gaze on him. He looked up. Then he heard a voice: "Oh I'm so sorry, Blue, was it? I didn't mean to do that."

Blue recognised the voice. It was Angel. He regained himself once more. "It's okay, you don't have to be sorry; it didn't hurt at all!" Blue answered cheerfully, lying a bit.

He then felt something was wrong. He searched his thoughts for what it could be, then it hit him; he wasn't holding his stick shaped thing. A rush of anxiousness hit him. W-where was it? It had to be here!

He bent down, with one hand on the hard surface, and one felt the ground. It had to be here! It had too! He heard a noise, like someone was kicking something.

He heard Angel's voice again. "What are you looking for?" She asked, sounding confused.

Blue continued to feel the ground. "I-I've lost my stick shaped guide." Blue stuttered. "Would you help me find it?"

He heard footsteps going away from him. "I don't see it anywhere, Blue. I'm sorry."

Was that a giggle he heard? Her voice and the sound of her footsteps drew away from where Blue could hear them. Blue now had two hands on the ground. Where was it? He couldn't find it, but it had to be somewhere! But where?

He heard footsteps come towards him again. Was it Angel? Had she found it? The footsteps stopped and Blue felt a gaze on him. Then he heard a voice: "Uh, what are you doing down there, little guy?"

The voice sounded questioning. Blue then felt embarrassed. He probably did look strange to anyone who could see. He kept searching, feeling the wooden floor on his fingertips. "I have lost my stick shaped guider." Blue lifted his head. "Would you help me find it?"

The voice paused and then spoke once more: "I don't see it anywhere, kid." Blue felt a hand on his shoulder. Blue flinched. The hand pulled away immediately.

"Sorry." The voice said. "Come on kiddo, I'll help you up."

Blue turned his head to the sound of the voice. He felt a hand touch his, and Blue felt himself being pushed up by his arm. In a second, he was on his feet. "Thank you." He said, playing with his fingers. "Are you sure it's not here?"

The voice paused again and then spoke like before: "Sorry kid." He heard steps walking away from him, then they stopped. "Will you be okay by yourself?"

Blue nodded, feeling really unsure. Then he heard steps again, the sound going farther away as the person walked further away. Blue sighed. This would be quite the challenge. He hoped for a second he would bump into Fell, so he could help him. But Blue shook the thought away. He was probably outside now.

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